A Violet Fire (Vampires in Avignon #1) - Kelsey Quick Page 0,90

writhes, staring at me as if I’m the devil himself—like I’m possessed by some otherworldly being. Girls aren’t used to other girls responding with their strength. I pull a hand back to lift the Laisse chain out from my own robes, displaying it while holding her against the wall.

“Let me finish for you,” I say, years of pent up frustration finally unleashing themselves. “I’m not pretty, tall, or well-mannered, but I’m still here, aren’t I? And her?” I nod my head in Anaya’s direction. “She’s not young… but she’s still here, isn’t she?”

Cheeky Leader hunkers against the wall, wide-eyed and horrified.

“You, however…,” I say, giving her the once over. “…you are an hourglass holding little sand.” I lean in closer as her henchmen step farther away, eyeing me like I have the plague.

“I could break your face right now with one hit. How long do you think Lord Amaorin will tolerate a unit with half a face in his seraglio?”

Her lips curl angrily. “You wouldn’t dare, I’d make sure—”

“Try me,” I interrupt while raising an eyebrow. Glera’s hand brushes my hip, offering back-up.

I give Amaorin’s lead a chance to run, and she does. Within seconds, Cheeky is rushing upstairs with the rest of her troop, leaving the bathhouse empty and silent for now. I glance to all the girls. “So how do we do this makeup thing?”

Glera throws her arm around my shoulder, while Katarii and Savvy reprimand me for overdoing it. Emi laughs, while Anaya gives me a single, yet novel glance: neutrality. She picks up a horse-hair brush and some powder.

“Well, you first, then,” she says to me.

chapter 17

“Alright, file in now. A straight line,” Ceti coos to us, leading us back through the hall. She intertwines her fingers rhythmically, moving them back and forth as if she’s dancing to a song. “Please follow the directions of Master Narref and Master Gemini upon entrance to the grand hall. Do all you can to listen to directions and take care to not misrepresent our lord.”

“Yes, Madam,” we all say in unison. Other supply lines filter in as well. Giomar’s and Zein’s girls are donned in make-up while the others, including Marina’s boys, remain veiled. It must be some sort of servant custom in their specific provinces, too.

We round the corner into a wide berth of a hallway lined with many more soldiers, all of which are wearing the same strange, demonic masks. I focus on the ground so I don’t have to dwell on their unsettling presence.

“Heads bowed,” Ceti chimes, and we all obey.

Soon, we pass the rows of soldiers who give way to a room of more elite-looking vampires. The ladies wear large jewels upon their necks and ears, velvet corsets, silk gloves, thick furs upon their shoulders, and narrowly whittled heels beneath their feet. Male, and even some female companions stand at the side of each, listening to their muses exchange cordial small talk in various dialects while they drink either real or synthetic blood from crystal goblets. The men wear button up shirts with thick, embroidered vests and slacks—complete with suspenders. All watch us as we pass before they return to their talks. They must be guests from other castles or cities of Cain.

We sail past two more huge doors which lead us into the grand hall, dully lit by huge cast-iron lanterns that hang from the ceiling. I do a once over of the room, noticing the brown marble walls stitched with lines of shimmering silver embedded within their well-crafted seams; the long, tireless tables full of food and china that stretch out along the back corners; the gigantic floor space in the center that is composed entirely of mosaic glass. Breath-taking, really.

I naturally rest my eyes on one of the raised tables in the back, where the five royal members are. Zein is seated on the far right with a watchful Narref standing behind him. I catch Zein staring at me from above a hand that strokes a pointed chin and tightened lips. Strangely, he makes no move to hide his eye contact, alighting a nervous fire within me. I’m the one to finally look away once Hox Giomar—to Zein’s left—finds me in his sight as well, the two discussing something unknown, but if I had to guess...

I avert my attention to Savvy, who is directly in front of me.

“You are so beautiful, Wavorly. Even he can see it,” she murmurs.

I snort at the humor of that insinuation, until I see Savvy’s face.

“Savvy.” I

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