A Violet Fire (Vampires in Avignon #1) - Kelsey Quick Page 0,19

on me, but I can’t feel it. All I can feel is overwhelming, pulsating fear.

Just as the hand applies greater pressure on my back—sending me from the struggle of denial to apprehensive acceptance—a voice shoots out from the top of the stairwell.

“Hold it! Hooooold it!”

chapter 5

The spirited voice shatters the anticipation of the room, distracting the pusher and sparing Savvy and me… for now.

“On behalf of the honorable rulers of Cain, I must insist that you halt this feeding until further instruction.” The voice bellows as its owner descends the stairwell into view. Like most vampires, this one is tall, lean, handsome, and has some sort of chip on his shoulder. Golden hair shoots across the back of his head, behind his pointed ears, like hardened fragments of light. Not a single strand out of place. Unlike most other vampires however, he doesn’t wear a position-defining cloak.

“Excuse me?” The squeaky surveyor barks from the back. “And who might you be?!”

“Manners, manners, I beg of you.” The unidentified vampire raises his hand to silence the protests. “I am Gemini Schantz, chief advisor to Lord Zein. So, I would mind yourself, low-breed.”

Lord Zein’s advisor?

The surveyor sits up straight and clenches his lips together while the guardsmen and pusher grow clammy at the mention of Cain’s elite general.

“That’s better. Now then.” The man turns in our direction. “Supply unit numbered Z29734, please step forward.”

My eyes dart around without focus. I reach my hand out to grab the bars on either side of the pit for balance, but I make no effort to heed his request. Both Katarii and Savvy look at me questioningly, as if I have any idea what’s going on.

The vampire notices their glances and motions to me.

“Ah, yes, how could I possibly forget you? Come here. Hurry now.” He flaps his hand at me.

Unable to do anything other than study him, I try to place a finger on where I’ve seen him before. I remember, vaguely. He was one of the vampires behind Zein in the Selection Hall.

“What do you want?” I ask.

He cocks his head, sighing as if he’d just scuffed up his shoes. “I’m here to escort you to Lord Zein’s supply convoy. I suppose he feels that he made an error in his previous judgment... though I haven’t the slightest clue as to why.”

My jaw drops.

Zein’s keeping me?

Katarii gasps and she turns to look at me, her face shocked and tear-stained. Savvy tightens her grip around my waist, crying.

This is… It’s a pardon. I’m not going to die. Zein has, for some insane reason, changed his mind.

“I... I, uh...,” I just barely accomplish incoherent jabber when the noble vampire struts toward me, nudging the pusher out of the way and giving a little wink at Savvy, making her side step out of his path. He reaches me.

“We don’t have time for any more of your nonsense. You are to come with me at once.”

Wait a minute.

Pulling my arm back, I take half a step closer to the edge. I haven’t the slightest clue as to what’s going on and I can’t possibly fathom Zein’s reasoning, but the tables have somehow turned in my favor. Zein apparently doesn’t want me to die, and yet, here I stand so close to this pit of fallen beasts, and no doubt I aim to take full advantage of it. Right now, I have power.

“No, I won’t go,” I say, raising my nose in challenge.

“Ex…cuse me?”

“Not without Savvy,” I declare. “I won’t leave without her.”

“Wavorly, no!” she objects, but I pay no mind. Instead, I begrudgingly acknowledge Katarii’s puffy face, which is scrunched up, red, and as pitiful as ever. Despite our history differences, Katarii and I have been thrust into the same situation. We are both on a sinking ship and I’m not about to let her go down alone.

“...nor without Katarii.” Slightly embarrassed, I refuse to look at her, even though I can tell she’s giving an expression meant to make me feel like an angel.

Gemini steps toward me with a tired look, calling my bluff. At the sight of his movement, I push Savvy into him while sliding my heels over the edge of the pit. Now it’s only my hold on the bars that prevents me from falling. He narrows his eyes as he stops, giving Savvy a sideways glance as she scuffles away from him. He must be contemplating his next move.

“Try me,” I say, edging my heels further when he goes to sidestep around Savvy.

“Ugh,” he

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