Violence (Antihero Inferno #3) - Lily White Page 0,23


“I think it is.”

With one tug, he pulls me to him, my free hand moving to his shoulder as I tip my head up.

“What if someone comes back here?”

Ezra begins leading me through steps to a slow song, something soulful that I’ve never heard before.

“Nobody is allowed in this wing of the house. It’s Gabe’s rule. So you have nothing to worry about.”

Surprised at how well Ezra dances, I find myself moving through the steps with him, our bodies pressed together as he spins us around. His hand slides to my lower back to tuck my body tighter against his.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asks, laughter in his voice.

My cheeks heat to be caught.

“I didn’t think you’re the type to dance.”

Shoulders shaking with more laughter, he spins me again. “I went to all the same cotillions as you. It was required we learn.”

I wouldn’t know anything about that. Mason always took off immediately when we arrived anywhere, and I spent the entire night hugging a wall.

Although, I did watch the other kids dance. It just never occurred to me that the guys were required to learn like the girls were.

“I’m grabbing drinks,” Damon calls out from where he stands near the door. “What’s your poison?”

“Grab us a few beers,” Ezra answers, his eyes tipping down to me. “Unless you want something else.”

“I don’t drink.”

So crooked, that smile, only one side curling.

“Tonight you do.”

Looking over my head, he tells Damon, “Get her something mixed. Not one of Gabriel’s drinks.”

Damon doesn’t answer before leaving.

“Why not one of Gabriel’s?”

Laughing, Ezra spins us one more time, but then grabs my hand to spin me on my own and pull me back to him as the song ends.

Tipping a finger beneath my chin, he tilts my face up to his.

“Because you’ll die if you drink it. Let me give you that piece of advice now. Never, and I mean never, accept a drink from Gabriel. Nobody knows what he puts in them, but they are strong enough to knock out an entire group of alcoholics on the fumes alone.”

I laugh at that, but the expression on his face is serious. It only draws my attention to the fading bruises and discoloration, the marks that had been an angry purple a week ago that have now faded to a sickly green.

Reaching up, I run my finger along one just beneath his left cheekbone. Ezra attempts to move away from the touch, but I won’t let him.

“What’s happening to you?”

He grabs my hand to pull it from his face, the bright amber of his eyes becoming dark. “Don’t worry about it.”

The edge to his voice only ignites my temper. “But I want to know.”

Lowering his face until we’re eye level, he fills my vision. I realize that every time he does it is to intentionally throw me off balance.

Ezra must know how it affects me. His half grin quirks the side of his mouth, his gaze searching mine as he reaches up with his thumb to smooth the crinkle of skin between my eyes.

I didn’t even know I was scowling.

Ezra’s expression shifts, a blend of confusion and surprise, his voice dropping to a whisper.

“Easy there, killer. You’re supposed to be having fun tonight. Why ruin it?”

“Why am I just now finding out the real party is in the solarium? You fuckers left me out there all alone with the peasants.”

Turning at the sound of Shane’s voice, I watch him and Damon walk into the room.

Damon throws his brother a beer as he approaches us, a red cup in his other hand I assume is meant for me.

When I reach to take it, he holds it away, a playful smile tugging at his lips.

“Not so fast. I think the next dance is mine, and then you can have this.”

Ezra’s fingers grip tighter where he touches me, restrained possession in that hold, but eventually he lets me go.

“Fair enough,” he says before walking over to drop down on the couch next to Shane. I don’t miss how his stare stays locked on me, though.

After setting the drink down, Damon tugs me close, and we dance to a faster song.

I’ve always been a good dancer, and had taken lessons for years. It’s fun to discover the twins can keep up with me.

Who would have guessed?

All this time, I’d thought these two were only good for the fights they often got into, but apparently their bodies can move to music just as gracefully as they can to Copyright 2016 - 2024