Violence (Antihero Inferno #3) - Lily White Page 0,146

the issues between us, I didn’t mean it like this. In fact, I’m seriously pissed off you fought Damon.”

His stare turns back to me, a grin stretching the corner of his arrogant lips as he winks.

Pointing at his chest, he says, “Beast, remember? I’ll let her highness do things her way, and I’ll do things my way.”

I roll my eyes.

“I’m not a queen.”

“Yeah, you are, Red. You always have been.”

My eyes snap to Damon.

“Why do you two keep saying that?”

“Because no other woman has ever been able to put us in our place,” Ezra answers, his tone serious. “And you have a tendency to bark orders and make us obey without trying.”

“It’s seriously fucking annoying,” Damon adds.

I’m looking between them, still not believing it.

“Well, in that case, no more fighting. Either of you. Not unless you want your asses handed to you by me.”

Another arrogant grin from Ezra.

“Is that a promise?”

“Not a good ass handing,” I warn.

He walks over and lays down on the other side of me, the three of us moving so we’re on our backs.

Ezra curls his pinky with mine, while Damon does the same on the other side.

I close my eyes because having them both here is like taking a full breath for the first time.

“No more fighting,” Ezra says. “With Damon, at least.”

I want to smack him, but refrain. At least it’s a step in the right direction.

Several minutes pass silently as we lay together. Leave it to Damon to screw it up.

“So about that goodbye fuck.”

“You son of a bitch,” Ezra growls as he crawls over me to get to his brother.

“Boys! Both of you, stop it!”

The twins go still, their eyes locking to each other before glancing at me.

“Queen,” Ezra whispers.

We all bust out laughing.


“Have you two worked out your issues yet?”

Leaning back in my seat, I kick my feet up on Tanner’s coffee table, my lips curling in challenge when he arrows a stare at them and back to my face.

“That’s a four-thousand-dollar table, asshole. I’d appreciate it if you get your scuffed boots off it.”

“Stop spending so much money on furniture,” I answer, only for Gabe to laugh from his usual position near the wet bar in Tanner’s living room. “And yeah, Damon and I worked it out.”

Tanner arches a brow.

“Figured that by how fucked up your face is at the moment.”

“You should have seen it a few days ago,” I mutter.

“So then where is Damon?”

Jase answers from where he’s lounged back in a chair, his eyes glued to his phone while he scrolls the screen.

“Out with Shane.”

“Fuck,” Tanner curses beneath his breath as he stabs a hand through his hair, obviously frustrated. “We should find them before they’re in jail again.”

Taylor looks up from his laptop, casting a glance at Mason then over at us.

“I’m sure they’ll be fine.”

“Although we might not be,” Gabe says after swallowing down the whiskey in his glass. “Currently, Luca, Ivy, Emily and Ava are out for girls’ night. Is anybody else here worried about what they’re planning as revenge against us?”

Laughter bursts from Jase’s mouth.

“Sounds like the four of you have a problem. Who the hell let those women out of sight? Dumb move, especially with Ivy there.”

The room goes silent for several seconds as we all consider that.

Emily has no reason to get even with me about anything. She can’t still be mad about the cabin thing. But then again, it’s only been a few days since we decided to work things out.


“Maybe one of us should call them and see what they’re doing.” I shoot a look at Mason. “Call Ava.”

He grins, a relaxed expression on his face.

“Ava has no reason to be mad at me for anything. But you three? Yeah, you’re fucked.”

Tanner, Gabe and I all look at each other, Tanner breaking the awkward silence.

“They wouldn’t.”

“Have you met Ivy?” Gabe counters.

“Which means they would,” I groan.

Annoyance flashes across Tanner’s expression.

“Whatever, we’ll deal with that later. For now, we need to plan our next steps in the server drama. It would have been seriously fucking nice for Shane to be here since our next step is finding and cornering Brinley. Anything new on that, Taylor?”

Without looking up from his screen, Taylor answers, “I’m going with Shane to Myth next weekend. Mason’s coming with us, I think.”

“I am.”

Tanner looks at Jase.

“I thought you were going.”

“Not into it,” Jase answers without bothering to look up from his phone.

Dropping his weight down next to me, Sawyer stuffs a few chips in his mouth.

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