Vicious Spirits - Kat Cho Page 0,74

in the dark?” he asked, flipping on a switch.

“I was waiting for you.” Jihoon stepped around the table until he was uncomfortably close to Junu.

“Okay,” Junu said, drawing out the word and taking a step back. “Well, I had a really bad day, so maybe this can wait until morning?”

“Oh, I’m done waiting.”

“Well, sorry I wasn’t around today. Maybe you should give Lee Somin a call?” he said, hoping perhaps this might be the first step in making things up to her. Reminding her absentee best friend that she needed him.

“Why would I call her?” Jihoon asked, sincere puzzlement wrinkling his brow.

“What?” Junu hesitated at the disinterest on Jihoon’s face. “Because she’s hurting.”

“Ah, and of course you want to save her from that. I see you still have that foolhardy notion that you can be someone’s savior. Are you going to save her from her lonely life as well?”

“What are you talking about?” Something about Jihoon’s tone, more than his confusing words, rang an alarm. “What’s going on here? Where’s Miyoung?”

“She went to the market. I think she wants to take care of me, since I haven’t been sleeping well and all.” But despite Jihoon’s claim, he looked fine. His skin was bright, and his eyes were wide and watchful. Had they always been this dark? Like endless black pits?

“Jihoon-ah, if this is some kind of game, can you just tell me? I’m not in the mood for any surprises.”

“Ah yes, I remember you hate surprises. Though I tried to prepare one for you. You see, I knew you’d never accept me for what I really was. You were far too simple. Far too cowardly.” Jihoon ran his finger behind his ear. A motion that was too familiar. A motion that sparked an unnerving recognition. He could see that same motion in his memories, pushing long strands of dark hair behind a pale ear. A small, clever smile quirking rosebud lips, a smile like Jihoon had right now.

“Sinhye,” he breathed with grim certainty. “This isn’t possible.”

“Oh, Junu-ya, you of all people should believe in the impossible by now. Didn’t I teach you that?” There was a spark of light in Jihoon’s eyes before he leapt forward, pushing Junu so hard his head slammed into the wall. He heard a sharp crack resonate through his skull as lights exploded behind his eyes.

“I’ve waited so long for this. I’m going to enjoy destroying your world.” The shape of Jihoon’s face became warped as Junu’s vision wavered. He tried to reply, but his words were swallowed by a nauseating darkness that overtook him.


WHEN JUNU OPENED his eyes, Hyuk stood over him.

His head ached and his limbs felt shaky and Jihoon was nowhere to be seen. “Ugh, please tell me I’m dead.”

“Is that truly something you wish for?” the jeoseung saja asked, his head tilting curiously to the side.

“You’ve been away from the mortal world too long. You used to be better at reading sarcasm,” Junu said, pushing himself up.

“You told me sarcasm was a form of humor. Were you trying to be funny just now?” Hyuk asked.

Junu shook his head, and the movement made him dizzy all over again. “Never mind. I guess you’re here because of Sinhye.”

Hyuk’s brows lifted. “No, but I am surprised it took you this long to identify her threat.”

“Sorry that I don’t live in an immortal realm where the spirits tell me all I wish to know.”

Hyuk laughed. “That one was meant as a joke, right?”

Junu closed his eyes in frustration.

“Sinhye is dangerous,” Hyuk said.

“I know that.”

“Spirits are not meant to possess human bodies this long. It goes against the command of King Yeomra. If a spirit is lucky enough to find a host vessel, their energy is expelled within twenty-four hours.”

Junu opened his eyes at that. “But we went to the cave two days ago. How can she hold on to Jihoon this long?”

“Something about that human makes him the perfect vessel.”

“What? He’s just a normal kid,” Junu said.

“Something created a space, an energy, that is perfect for Sinhye’s soul.”

Junu’s stomach dropped as he pieced it together. “Dammit, Miyoung’s yeowu guseul. Of all the humans to take to that cave, I had to bring the one person in this world that’s had a fox bead inside of him. I should have known better.”

“Could you? Could even someone as clever as you have anticipated this?”

Junu knew that, despite his cold demeanor, this was Hyuk’s way of comforting him. Of telling Junu that he could never have known.

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