Vicious Spirits - Kat Cho Page 0,68

while you’re deciding, let’s get in a line. I’ve heard if we want to ride the roller coaster, it’s a long wait,” Somin mused.

“No.” Junu firmly shook his head. “I refuse to get on that death trap.”

“Fine, let’s do the carousel first.” Somin turned toward the large carousel, with glimmering bulbs and gleaming horses. When she was younger, she thought that the carousel was a ride for princesses because of how the horses were decorated. She’d always wanted to ride one. And now she felt silly at the thrill she got from hearing the tinkling music. Wasn’t she too old to be this excited?

“Ah yes, a much more civilized ride.”

Somin laughed. “I can’t believe you’re scared of fast rides.”

“It’s not being scared when it’s a healthy aversion to potential bodily harm. I refuse to spend eternity with the crooked profile caused by a broken nose.”

“They’re perfectly safe,” Somin said, rolling her eyes as they lined up to wait for the next ride to start. “You’re just being a big baby.”

“Well, maybe I like the carousel because it allows you to do some secondary activities.” Junu wiggled his brows.

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”

“Why don’t you take a minute to consider it, at least?” Junu said.

“I don’t need a minute. You know, for a guy who claims to be so smooth, I don’t see it. You’d think after so many centuries on this earth, you could at least be a little persuasive.”

Junu laughed. “Somin-ah, you really know how to hit a guy in the ego.”

“Thanks.” She smiled brightly.

“Is that all you like me for?” Junu asked as they were let onto the carousel. “As a punching bag?”

“Maybe,” Somin teased, weaving in and out of horses frozen in various poses. She was in a weirdly playful mood. Perhaps it was the smell of fried amusement park food. Or maybe it was the laughter that lifted into the air, winding around her. She could even imagine it was the company. She was big enough to admit that she was starting to enjoy having Junu around.

She hooked her arm around a pole and let her forward momentum carry her around. She’d have gone swinging in a complete circle if Junu hadn’t caught her. He leaned forward so their eyes were aligned, their noses touching.

“It says a lot that I don’t mind being beat up on. I wonder what it is about you,” he murmured.

Her hands flexed involuntarily.

“Why do I let you abuse me like this? Why do I stick around?” Junu mused.

“Maybe you’re a secret masochist?” Somin breathed, her voice shaky.

She felt like the world was spinning and then realized the carousel had started, the amusement park swirling around them. Lights turning, the faces of other parkgoers becoming a blur. She heard the delighted squeal of a child from the other side of the carousel and thought, I know exactly how you feel, kid. This is thrilling.

Junu leaned forward, and she squeezed her eyes shut in anticipation. But instead of kissing her, he whispered in her ear, “Maybe being close to you helps soothe away the pain.” He lowered his lips toward her neck. She craned her head back, an invitation, and she felt his lips curve as he pressed them against her skin. He’d won, and he knew it.

Somin had a fleeting thought that this wasn’t appropriate. They were in public. Little kids were around. But she couldn’t bring herself to care.

She looped her arms around his neck, fitting her lips to his.

She felt his mouth curl into a grin against hers as his arm tightened around her, holding her in place. But still she felt like she was spinning out of control. Like her body was a top that was dancing along an uneven surface. She’d have toppled over if he hadn’t been holding her so close. Then he leaned back, his eyes searching hers. She started to lift onto her toes, wanting more. He let out a chuckle.

“Ride’s over. I don’t think we’re going to be let on again after the show we put on.” His eyes slid to the side, and hers followed. She saw a group of disapproving parents ushering their kids away.

With a groan of embarrassment, she untangled herself from him and darted off the carousel. She couldn’t even look at the ride operator as she slunk away.

“Don’t worry,” Junu said, slinging his arm around her shoulders. “It’s a rite of passage to horrify a few parents when you’re a teenager.”

Somin shook her head and asked, “What’s next?”


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