Vicious Circles - By Leann Andrews Page 0,76

around my attempts to grab the case back from her. Mason knew I didn’t like it when he kept things from me and getting my best friend involved was crossing the line.


I had finally forgotten all about Mason and his creepiness. A lot of that had to do with the fact that he’d gone off to film a role and I was swamped with school work. It was all I could do to get my homework done each night before passing out face first on the bed. Usually, I woke up the next day with my clothes from the day before still on.

When the last final before Christmas break was done, I breathed a sigh of relief. My life was my own again. I baked; I watched ridiculous old Christmas movies and bawled. I did everything I wanted to do and it felt good. It felt good waking up rested each morning. The scars of what I’d been through were still there but I could look at myself in the mirror and acknowledge them. I’d come to realize with Mason away on location that I was self-sufficient. I was finally strong enough to be the woman he deserved and damn if it didn’t put a smile on my face every day.

Mason came home on Christmas Eve by sheer luck only. He’d missed the flight the day before and I was sure I wouldn’t see him for at least a few days. Instead, he was standing in our kitchen eating the ‘F’ from the sugar cookies I’d made. Some things never change.

“I missed you,” he said with a mouthful and a wink.

“I missed you too. Although I think Martin and Pilgrim were more miserable than I was.”

I expected a bold middle finger in response but instead he kept his eyes trained on our tiled floor. The half-eaten cookie was pressed tightly in between his thumb and index finger.

“Mason?” I started to move closer but stopped.

“Fallyn, baby. I want to ask you something and this isn’t the time or place.” He dropped the cookie and ran that same hand through his hair. “Fuck, this isn’t even how I planned this, but I can’t wait.”

I looked at him wide eyed and confused. “Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing is wrong. Actually, everything is right. It’s nothing like I imagined it but it’s so right.” His eyes were pleading as he stared me down from across the kitchen.

“Mason, you sound like an idiot.”

He crossed the space separating us and kissed me on the forehead. “You couldn’t be any more right. You have no idea. I’m an idiot and I’ll always be an idiot but this idiot loves you.”

I smiled and I could feel a blush rise in my cheeks. He stroked my flushed skin.

“There was a whole plan for this and it wasn’t my style at all but I thought it would make you happy. Then just now, I realized that you’re happy already. I can look you in the eyes and see that you’re happy.”

“I am,” I said with a nod of my head.

“Fallyn, I need you to marry me.”

The breath I’d been sucking in stopped and I feared my throat would close. I didn’t react or cry or anything. I stared at him.

He nodded slowly with his hand still resting on my heated cheek. “You’ll marry me, right?”

My lungs sprung back into action and slowly, a shy smile crossed my lips. “That’s a silly question.”

I leaned in and he met me halfway. He kissed me. Somewhere at our feet Pilgrim cried, but that time he would have to wait. Nothing would interrupt our lives and the fact that Mason wanted to throw his last name into the mix was a clear sign that we’d keep fighting the good fight no matter what.

Chapter 25

Mason proposed to me two years ago…today actually. I woke up this morning and stared at my ring until my eyes were just about crossed. So many people, Lynn and his mom to be exact, expected us to get married right away but Mason and me; well we don’t agree.

The first house we lived in is long gone. We actually bought a house together, in the same neighborhood but with a pool this time. I really felt like I needed a pool.

The last two years have been amazing and I don’t think I could have planned anything better in my wildest imagination. I know it seems like my craving and my need for the drugs was easy to get over, but it Copyright 2016 - 2024