The Vessel - Jenika Snow Page 0,48

much trouble could I really get into?

That thought had strength moving through me, and I found myself walking down the opposite corridor Buffy had gone. A few doors were open, and as I walked past them and glanced in, I took note of which ones were most definitely not Lucius. I kept going, a breakroom on one side, a conference room full of windows on the other.

I was about to turn around when I stopped at the very last door of the hallway, two massive double doors in front of me, the silver embossed plaque on it telling me I was right where I needed to be.

Lucius Blacksmith

What were the odds that I just happened to go down the right corridor where his office was? He might not even be in there, but I could wait inside for him, break the shocking news so we were both left speechless together.

I gripped the cold, firm handle, and the door started to open silently, not a creak from the well-oiled hinges. But I froze, hearing a man speak. My heart was racing as I realized he was probably in a meeting and how I shouldn’t have just busted in here when I didn’t even know his schedule or the important things he had to do throughout the day. I should have listened to the uptight Buffy.

“Are you absolutely sure you want to do this, Lucius?” The man who spoke had a tone like he was familiar with Lucius, close with him. It was an easygoing manner, questioning him in his decision—whatever that decision was.

There was a moment of silence, and I knew I should’ve left, closed the door just as silently as I opened it, but I was frozen in place.

“I’m sure, Michael.” Another moment of silence before the man named Michael started speaking.

“I really think you should put more thought into this. Just find a woman, and I’ll create a contract.”

My heart momentarily stopped at that.

Find a woman?

Make a contract?

“You don’t have to do anything with her aside from the agreement that she’s your surrogate. It can be very legal, very clinical. No physical aspect between you and her whatsoever.”

The air left me at the thought of any of that.

“That will secure your spot with the company, make things official for the trust.”

My heart plummeted to my stomach at that. I remembered the conversation Lucius and I had previously, the brief mention about his father and an heir, something to do with the company. I hadn’t delved deeper into that, and he hadn’t offered more information.

“I won’t—”

“You need to really think about this, Lucius. You need to think of the future of the company and all the employees.”

I heard them speaking again, but everything was murky, the sounds distorted. I couldn’t see straight, my vision blurry. I felt dizzy, like I might pass out. I held onto the handle even harder, swaying slightly at the thought of Lucius having a child with someone other than me.

“Hey, what are you doing back here?”

The sound of Buffy’s voice pierced the fog that settled in my brain, and I glanced at her, blinking my vision back into focus.

I looked over my shoulder, hearing the men just on the other side of the door stop talking, no doubt hearing her and now seeing the door was partially opened.

“I’m calling security,” Buffy seethed as she strode up to me.

A second later, the door was opened, my hand falling away from the knob. I looked at Lucius, who stood just a few feet from me, the man named Michael directly behind him. I knew my eyes were wide. They felt like they were as big as saucers right now.

“Elise?” Lucius asked, the confusion in his voice clear. “What are you doing here?” He took a step closer. “Are you okay? Is something wrong?” Immediately, the concern laced his voice. Of course he’d assume something was wrong. I’d never been to his place of business before.

“Mr. Blacksmith, I’m so sorry,” Buffy said, pushing her way past me to enter Lucius’s office. “I’ll call security right now and have her escorted out.”

“Absolutely not,” Lucius replied in a strong voice, having all three of us freezing. I felt the room chill at his tone, at his protectiveness over me. “This is my…” He looked at me, probably unsure what to call me.

Yeah, I’m right there with ya.

“She’s mine.”

I felt my eyes widen even more at the way he said it. It sounded so primal, so alpha… so barbaric. Heat filled Copyright 2016 - 2024