The Vessel - Jenika Snow Page 0,27

fucking tax collector or something with that get up on?”

I didn’t even bother giving a reply to that. This guy was a worthless piece of shit, which I knew before even standing in front of him. He had a police report as long as my arm, mainly petty shit, theft and a little bit of marijuana possession. I just got right to the point. “You have two tenants at your 38 Dexter Corner.”

“Okay? What’s your point? You wantin’ to buy that piece of shit?”

I clenched my jaw as my patience wore thin with him. “I came here to talk to you about letting them leave their garden up and allowing them free-reign with anything pertaining to that.” I was going the adult, professional route at first. I didn’t want to stoop to his level with profanity or anger, but I was right there if he pushed back.

He was silent for a moment, eyeing me, the stench of him so strong I curled my lip again in disgust.

“The fuck you talkin’ about? Who the hell are you? You think you can come to my place and start demanding shit?” He bared his yellow, crooked teeth. “Get the hell off my property before I call the cops.”

Okay, so we were going there. So be it.

“You’re not going to give them any shit about what they plant or what they build. And you’re going to have a fucking big smile on your goddamn face every time you go over there, with a polite demeanor.” I looked him right in the eye. “Do you fucking understand me?”

His eyes widened a second before he composed himself and snarled, “You want an ass whooping?”

“Or we can call the police and let them know you’re running illegal gaming operations at three of your shitty properties.”

I saw the look of shock on his face, followed by nervousness. He looked around, his dark, beady eyes seeming to take in everything behind me, as if he thought this was a set-up. “Who in the fuck are you, and what are you talking about? I don’t do no illegal shit anymore. I’m a legit, law-abiding business owner.”


“You a cop?” He narrowed his eyes at me.

“No, but if you don’t stop harassing your tenants at 38 Dexter Corner, the cops are going to be the least of your worries.” I took a step closer. “You understand me?” I wasn’t a violent, threatening man by nature, but I found when it concerned Elise and those she held dear, I became someone I didn’t recognize but embraced the hell out of.

He was silent for a second, but I saw his throat work as he swallowed. He was scared. I could smell it coming off him. He was at an impasse, a three-strike rule already. One more offense and his ass would be facing hard time.

“Yeah,” he said, still looking around nervously. His paranoia was thick. “Yeah, okay,” he mumbled again. “I hear you loud and clear.”

I could tell by his expression and the tone of his voice that he knew I wasn’t bluffing. Good, because I wasn’t above getting fucking dirty to make my point known, especially where Elise was concerned.

And I would go to any lengths to make sure she—and those she loved—were safe.



I was confused and shocked at what my aunt just told me. “Really?” I stopped in the middle of my living room and stared out at the parking lot of the apartment complex. It had been a full day since I’d seen or spoken with Lucius, and I wondered if him staying away had been as hard for him as it was for me.

But I refused to contact him, and I was thankful he gave me space. Especially after the kiss we shared.

Lucius said somebody would pick me up for work and bring me home. For every shift. And it was nearing the time I normally left for the subway, so I was a nervous wreck as I waited to see if it would be Lucius who stopped by this morning or the man he called Charlie.

“Can you believe it, Elise?” My aunt’s animated voice snapped me back to the present.

“No, I can’t.” I felt my brows knit.

I really can’t.

My aunt telling me that their landlord had come over last night to tell them their garden could stay up, and that he also didn’t mind anything else they wanted to do in the back or front yard, took me by surprise.

“Yeah, it’s the craziest thing. He came over yesterday afternoon Copyright 2016 - 2024