A Very Highland Holiday - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,174

wind whipped against them, and Sarah tripped then clutched at his arm to keep from falling. And good thing, because right then, a massive icicle fell from the thatched roof, stabbing into the snow where she’d just been. Both of them leapt back, he as though to protect her and she because her life was flashing before her eyes.

“We’ll need a good two or three days reprieve if we’re to make it back in decent time. Might have to stop along the way at another tavern or two.”

“Additional adventures then.” She grinned up at him, excitement in the creases about her eyes. What had transpired between the two of them was almost enough to erase the reasons they’d got together to begin with. Almost.

“Aye, but also more possibility of your brothers finding us,” he reminded her grimly.

The light left her eyes then, and she seemed to remember that she’d been running from them suddenly. “Do ye think they’ve left yet?”

Thane nodded. “They’d no’ wait too long to come after ye. And our tracks may yet be visible in the snow, though with the way it fell through the night, I’m hoping most were covered. At any rate, they’ll have lost us by the time they get to the road, given all the others who’ve traversed.”

“But they would guess it was ye?” She glanced around nervously as if expecting to see her brothers leap out.

“Does your clan have any other enemies?” That was a silly question, and he knew it.

“Of course.”

“Then maybe we have a chance yet.” He offered that as hope.

Sarah shivered, and he took her hand, looping her arm in his and rubbing vigorously at the exposed skin of her fingers. They made their way to the stables and poked their heads inside when no lads were seen lurking about.

The stable was long and smoky, with the telltale sounds of horse snuffling and stomping.

“Destiny, we’ve come to greet ye,” Thane called out, and his horse stuck his head out from one of the stalls, letting out a hearty neigh.

They made their way down until they reached him, observing a clean stall, a bucket of water and another filled with hay.

“I see ye’re being properly spoiled.” Thane stroked his hand over his horse’s soft muzzle.

“Why did ye name him Destiny?” Sarah asked.

“I found him on the battlefield. Or rather, he found me.” He’d never told anyone this story before, but with Sarah, it came out easily. He would need to keep some of the details vague, so if anyone were listening in, they wouldn’t realize which side he fought on. He also kept to himself that Destiny’s previous master had been a dragoon, evident from the contents he found in the attached satchel, and the crest stamped into the saddle. Wasn’t it ironic that the horse of his enemy had saved his life?

“This is going to be intriguing,” Sarah said, wiggling her brows.

“The enemy was surrounding me, knocking me back. My own horse had already been massacred, and so I was on foot, in danger of joining my brethren in the beyond. Then from behind me comes this massive warhorse. He nuzzles me in the back as men advance on me, taking aim. I leapt up into the saddle, and he took off, with shots fired at us from behind. He saved my life, and the fact that we found each other on the field like that, well, it felt like Destiny.”

Sarah leaned against him, her hand joining his in stroking the horse. “That is an incredible story. And the perfect name. I’m glad for my sake that he found ye.”

Thane grinned. “He’s a good horse. And for that reason, he should be spoiled for the rest of his days.”

Sarah leaned her head against Thane’s shoulder, so glad that he’d come to Campbell lands. Even if his intent had been to abduct her, which now seemed like a massive jest. He’d rescued her from a fate that could have been horrible. And to think she was now going to be linked to her dearest friend’s brother—a man of honor and integrity—she couldn’t have dreamed up a better scenario.

They left the stable, agreeing to spend one more night at the tavern, and then hopefully be on their way the following morning.

By the time they made it back to their chamber, the delicious stew they’d been smelling all day waited for them on the table, along with wine and thick brown bread. They ate with gusto, having worked up an appetite earlier

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