A Very Highland Holiday - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,172

he asked, gaze locked on hers, eyes filled with question.

“Aye,” she said with a confidence she’d never felt so keenly before.

Thane let out a satisfied groan and surged forward, the invasion accompanied by a sharp clamp of pain. Sarah cried out unbidden at the ache, surprised that it should have felt that way when everything else had been so wonderful.

Thane stilled, letting out a curse, the force of which blew the hair from her forehead. Sarah’s eyes had been clamped closed, but his angry tone made her snap open her lids.

“Ye were a virgin,” he accused, a thunderstorm clouding his expression. Gone was the heady look of his lowered lids.

Tears sprang to her eyes. “Aye,” she whispered.

“Why did ye no’ bloody tell me?”

Sarah swallowed hard. Perhaps tricking him into taking her virginity had been stupid, but she had given her full permission. “I did no’ think it mattered. I consented.”

Thane cursed, withdrawing from her body, leaving her feeling empty and lost. She reached for him as he climbed off, but he backed away from the bed and shoved himself back into his breeches. “I would no’ have done that. ’Tis no’ honorable.”

Exactly as she’d imagined he would act if he’d known. Tears fell in earnest now, hot waves down her cheeks. “It was no’ your choice to make.” She shoved her skirts back down, pulling her legs up tight to her chest, aching all the more.

“Why?” There was true anguish in his tone.

“Because if my brothers come for me, and they will, I can be of no use to them if I am spoiled. I dinna want to be their pawn.”

“But why would ye have me be the one to spoil ye?” He pressed his fist to his chest.

Without hesitation, she answered, “Because ye’re so honorable. A good man.”

“And so ye wished to trick me into marriage then?”

She shook her head vigorously, everything spinning out of control. That had been the last thing on her mind. And she hated the way his anger had turned to pain. “Nay, I thought…If I were to ruin myself, I’d want to do with it a man like ye, rather than just anyone.”

All the anger dissipated from him now, his shoulders sagging, and he trudged back toward her. Thane sighed and sat down on the bed next to her, gathering her in his arms. He was quiet for a long time, and she remained very still. Afraid if he remembered that he was holding her, he’d walk away. “If I had known, I would have taken my time. Made sure ye were ready.”

“I am ready.”

“I mean, your body.”

“Oh.” She sucked in a weary breath and stared up at him, meeting his gaze head-on, wanting him to see the truth in her eyes. “I was no’ trying to trick ye, I swear. I dinna seek marriage. I only sought to rid myself of the bargaining chip my brothers are trying to sell.”

Thane stroked her hair, wiped away her tears. The pain in his expression receded and returned the man she’d fallen for. Oh, dear heavens…Aye, she had fallen for him. Swept up and deposited right on the shores of his affection, should he want her.

“I will marry ye.” Conviction powered each syllable.

“What?” She pushed away from him then. Had he not understood her? “I told ye that’s no’ what I seek.”

“I know, lass. But it is the only way to make certain they canna sell ye. Your brothers will lie about your virginity for the riches it will bring them. I’ll protect ye because I was no’ able to protect my sister.”

Sarah glanced down at the rug on the dirt floor. “I canna ask ye to do that.” Keeping her safe wouldn’t bring Thea back, and she didn’t want him to feel obligated to her for the rest of their lives. For eternity.

“Ye didna.” He tipped her chin up. “I offered. Of my own free will, I consent.” He pressed his lips to hers softly. Saints, but it felt so good. “Besides, I like the idea of being able to kiss ye more.”

“Truly?” His embrace was warm, comforting, and she felt safe with him, cared for.

“Aye.” He kissed her again and then left the bed once more, though this time he only went to the basin where he took a loose rag and dipped it in water.

She watched, curious, as he came back to her and then gentle as he could washed between her legs. His ministrations were perhaps the most considerate of any she’d

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