A Very Highland Holiday - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,140

December. Thus, the fabric wasn’t sheer enough to see through it. No matter since she wasn’t going to wear it much longer. He picked her up, prompting a gasp from her as she put her arms around his neck.

It was a short walk to the bed—too short, for he loved holding her—where he set her on the edge. Intending to finish undressing her, he froze when she shook her head.

“Your turn. You’re wearing too many clothes.” She slid back on the bed and watched him as he undressed.

Tavish couldn’t remember a woman ever looking at him the way she did. He resisted the urge to strip everything away as quickly as possible since she seemed to be enjoying watching him. Instead, he went slowly until he was wearing just his shirt and breeches. “Should I keep going?”

“I think you must.” Her voice had darkened to a sensual rasp.

His body thrumming with desire, Tavish drew the shirt over his head and let it fall to the floor. She answered by removing her shift. He held his breath as each inch of her flesh was exposed.

Unable to help himself, he reached for her, his fingers gliding up her thigh and across her hip. Then up along her ribs until he met the swell of her breast. Her rose-hued nipples went taut as he cupped her. He leaned forward and put his mouth on her, taking his time to go slowly as he used his lips and tongue to caress her.

She closed her eyes and cast her head back with a soft moan. He withdrew long enough to remove his breeches, then moved onto the bed. Returning to his task, he suckled her breast once more. She pulled the tie holding his hair back, freeing the mass to graze his shoulders, and ran her fingers through it.

He moved between her legs, skimming his hand down over the smooth slope of her belly until he found the curls at her sex. He stroked her folds, drawing a gasp from her as she arched up from the bed. She clutched at his head, her soft whimpers sharpening his desire.

“Tavish,” she breathed.

He lifted his head and looked down at her. Eyes closed, red-gold hair splayed across the pillow, lips damp and parted, she was exquisite. He teased her clitoris and with each touch of his fingers, she moved with him, her body begging wordlessly for more. He slipped his finger into her, and she clasped his shoulders. Moving between stroking her clitoris and filling her sheath, he coaxed her response until she was coming up from the bed to meet his thrusts. On and on he worked as her cries intensified.

“I don’t know what to do. I feel something…” She moaned as he filled her with two fingers.

“Let go, Elspeth,” he whispered against her cheek. “You’re so tight for me. You’re ready. Let yourself fall. I’ll catch you.”

He increased his pace, and her body began to shudder. Her muscles clenched around him. She cried out his name. Spasms racked her thighs as she dug her fingers into his back.

Though he wanted so badly to bury himself inside her, Tavish knew he should stop. They were not wed, nor were they really handfasted. She deserved to know that he wouldn’t leave her.

He rolled to his side. “Elspeth.”

Her eyes opened, but just barely. “Where are you going?”

“Nowhere. I’m right here.”

“But we aren’t finished.” She put her hand on his hip, then slid it down to curl her palm around his cock.

Tavish groaned softly. This was not helping his resolve. “Elspeth,” he rasped. “We should wait.”

She turned her head toward him. “Wait? For what?”

He cupped her cheek. “Will you marry me?”

Chapter Eight

Elspeth froze in shock. Had she heard him right?

“What did you say?”

He cracked that half smile that never failed to squeeze her heart. “I asked if you would marry me. And I swear it’s not because you’re touching my cock.”

She couldn’t help it, she laughed. So hard that she put her other hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry.”

“Forgive me for not joining in your amusement. I’m afraid that while you’re touching me like that, laughter is not the reaction that comes to mind.”

She slitted her eyes again and stroked her hand along his length. “What is?”

He closed his eyes briefly. “Good Lord, woman, are you trying to torture me?”

“No, I’m trying to arouse you. Is it working?”

“Quite. But, truly, we should wait.”

“Why? If we’re to be wed, I see no reason for us not to consummate our union

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