A Very Highland Holiday - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,136

Mr. MacLean were both asking me about him. About Neil, I mean?”

Elspeth hesitated but ultimately answered. “Yes.”

“It belongs to Mr. MacLean, then?”

“It’s not for me to say,” Elspeth said. The less Carrie knew the better. She now understood why Tavish hadn’t told her about Lann Dhearg. It wasn’t something anyone should have to bear. That he’d revealed the sword and his true identity to her showed her just how much he valued her. Didn’t it?

“Why did Neil ask you to hold on to it?” Elspeth asked.

“He said men were after him, that they wanted it. He left it here a few weeks ago.”

So recently? “And you truly don’t know where he is?”

She shook her head.

“That’s unfortunate, because Mr. MacLean wants to help keep him safe. He hides Jacobites.” The moment the words left her mouth, Elspeth wondered if she shouldn’t have told the serving maid. She was so gregarious in the common room. What if she divulged Tavish’s secrets to someone?

She stared at Elspeth in disbelief. “That’s what he does? Dougal said I could trust him, that he wanted to help.”

“He can even take this sword for you and keep it safe.” Elspeth held her breath, hoping Carrie would agree. It wasn’t as if Elspeth could pick it up and flee. Not only did she have nowhere to go, she could hardly lift the bloody thing.

In fact, how she was she going to get it up to Tavish’s chamber?

“He will take Neil’s sword?” Carrie asked, drawing Elspeth back to their exchange.

“I’m certain of it.”

“Yes, please.” Carrie looked at her with a mixture of relief and joy. “Thank you.”

Elspeth squinted one eye at Lann Dhearg. Tavish must be incredibly strong to be able to wield such a weapon.

Carrie came to stand beside Elspeth. “It’s very heavy.”

Elspeth looked over at the serving maid. “I don’t suppose you’ll help me carry it upstairs to my chamber?”

“Not to Mr. MacLean’s?”

“No,” Elspeth said with a short laugh. “I don’t think we can do that, not even together.”

Carrie smiled briefly. “I’ll get something to wrap it in.” She disappeared into her chamber for a moment, then returned with a blanket, which she spread on the floor. Together, they moved the sword on top of it, then wrapped the wool around the weapon.

Each taking an end, they hefted Lann Dhearg and rose. “I’ll go first,” Carrie said. “We’ll take the backstairs.”

Carrie led the way, and they made it halfway up before they had to stop and rest. After catching their breath, they continued, taking one more rest at the top before they made it to Elspeth’s chamber.

“We could never have made it up to Mr. MacLean’s chamber!” Carrie exclaimed as they wrestled the sword into Elspeth’s room.

When it was resting on the floor next to the bed, Elspeth wiped her hands on her skirt. Perspiration dappled her brow. “Thank you for helping me,” Elspeth said. “And for trusting Mr. MacLean.”

“I’m glad to be rid of it, especially if the men who hurt Dougal are looking for it.” She pivoted toward the door. “I’d best be getting back to Dougal. And the common room before my father has a fit of apoplexy.”

Elspeth thanked her again and closed the door behind the redhead after she left. Glancing at the bundled-up sword, she strode to the window. Light from the inn spilled into the yard, but there was no sign of Tavish.

Where was he? Elspeth prayed he was safe and that he would be here soon. He would be elated when he learned she had Lann Dhearg.

And then what would happen? Would he escort her and Aunt Leah to Dunkeld and then continue home? Where was his home? She knew it was near Glasgow, but wanted specifics. She wanted to know everything about him.

As she stared out into the black night, she hoped she would have the chance to find out.

Chapter Seven

Kerr’s cottage had been ransacked. Whoever had attacked him had made sure the sword wasn’t hidden in the cottage. Still, Tavish had picked over everything with meticulous care. Then he’d left the same way he’d arrived—stealing through the shadows to avoid detection, in case the men from the order were watching.

The Order of the Round Table. The secret organization that sought to control the Thirteen Treasures of Britain. Although Lann Dhearg wasn’t one of them, it was related to one, and apparently, they felt they should obtain it.

Tavish planned to disabuse them of that idea, should he get the opportunity. He hoped he would. More than that, he wanted

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