A Very Highland Holiday - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,134

have done so before you return.”

His thoughts were beginning to cloud in a haze of want. He couldn’t help but bring her hips flush against his. His cock strained in his breeches as he reveled in the sweet torture of her proximity—so close and yet so far. “That would be most, ah, efficient of you.”

“I’ll do my best.” She dragged her lips across his jaw and kissed him.

He wrapped his arms about her with a harsh moan and swept her around to the wall, pressing her against it and settling his hips between her legs—or trying to anyway. He’d have to lift her to get the position just right, and her panniers, narrow as they were, would likely prevent that. She licked her tongue into his mouth as she held his head, their kiss turning wild.

With great effort, he pulled his mouth from hers, his breath coming hard and fast. “Elspeth, I’m sorely tempted to toss your skirts up right here, but that will not be the first way we come together, do you understand?”

She nodded, her eyes dark with desire.

“When I take you, it will be in a bed, with your glorious body spread before me, nude and aroused.”

“I think I’ve mastered the aroused part.”

A laugh burst from his lips, and he kissed her again, smiling the whole while. “Get back to your aunt. I’ll see you soon.” He released her and stepped back, smoothing his hand over his hair.

“Be careful, please.” She stared at him intently before pivoting and returning to the common room.

He would be more than careful. He’d never had more reason to be.

All during dinner, Elspeth watched the door, hopeful for Tavish’s return, and not just so he could join them for dinner. No, that wasn’t nearly as troublesome as whether he was safe. What if the men who’d attacked Dougal Kerr were watching the cottage and Tavish had walked right into their trap?

Even now, he could be lying unconscious at the cottage. Or worse, he could be—

Elspeth shoved the thought away. She wasn’t going to consider such a thing, not when she’d just found him.

After drinking a glass of madeira with Aunt Leah, who truly was disappointed that Tavish wasn’t able to join them, Elspeth made her way back downstairs with the intention of speaking with Carrie. Elspeth surveyed the common room, but Tavish wasn’t there.

Carrie came from the kitchen and delivered stew to a couple near the fireplace. Wiping her hands on her apron, she went to a table that had clearly been recently vacated and began to gather the empty tankards and trenchers.

Elspeth approached her cautiously. She’d rehearsed what she planned to say, but didn’t get a chance to utter a word as Carrie met her gaze right away. “Might I ask ye a favor, Miss Marshall? I don’t know if ye heard, but Dougal Kerr was attacked and is asleep in my chamber.”

Taken aback, Elspeth struggled to respond, “I, ah—”

“You didn’t know? I assumed Mr. MacLean would have told you.” She lifted a shoulder. “Seems like you two are cozy.”

It did? “Yes, he mentioned it. I’d be happy to check on Mr. Kerr.”

“Thank ye, Miss Marshall. I’m just so very busy. Papa insists all the tables be clean and available for customers.” Carrie inclined her head toward the stairs, and red curls brushed her temple. “My room’s past the stairs, on the left.”

Elspeth wanted to question her, but again, it seemed that would have to wait.

Carrie hurriedly wiped the table. “Will ye let me know if he’s awake? I’ll bring him some dinner.”

Elspeth nodded. “I will.”

She made her way to Elspeth’s chamber, finding it easily, and slipped quietly inside. Mr. Kerr lay prone on the bed, his lips parted and eyes closed. One didn’t look as if it could open.

Elspeth bent over the man, her concern for Tavish growing as she inspected Kerr’s injuries. Her heart began to beat faster, and she felt as if the room was closing in around her.

He’s a soldier. He’s capable. And he’s smart. He’ll be fine.

She repeated the words over and over in her mind until she began to calm. Then she collapsed in a chair in the corner, exhaling as she wiped her hand over her brow.

Why was she so very concerned about Tavish? Had she come to care for him so much in this incredibly short time? Even after he’d deceived her?

She understood why he’d done so, and he’d apologized. Repeatedly. And if she truly believed him, she accepted what he said about

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