A Very Highland Holiday - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,130

soldiers, a few other guests had left on horseback after breakfast.

“I considered that, but as I am not spending much time in here, I didn’t want to trouble Balthazar or Carrie.” He lifted a shoulder. “Besides, the room is rather cozy.”

She didn’t disagree, especially with the cheery fire, which actually made the chamber a touch warm. Or, she realized, that could be the result of his presence. That thrilling sensation she’d felt earlier when she’d been speaking to Aunt Leah returned far more intensely.

“What brings you up here?” he asked.

Elspeth blinked. Yes, she had a purpose here that didn’t involve beguilement. “I wanted to tell you about Carrie.”

A crease formed between his brows. “The serving maid?”

Elspeth nodded. “When I asked her how to find Mr. Kerr this morning, she seemed slightly agitated. I credited that to her concern for someone who was perhaps trying to evade capture. Then I just spoke with her again—she asked me if I’d found him and gotten my story—and she was as nervous as before. She said she didn’t know where Mr. Kerr’s brother is, but, and this is the really strange part, I didn’t even ask her if she knew.”

Tavish stroked his chin, his brows dipping pensively. “That certainly sounds like she might know where he is.”

“I had the sense she was afraid. Or worried. If she does know where Neil is, I don’t think she’ll reveal where he’s hiding.” Elspeth moved closer to where Tavish stood where the ceiling was tall enough to accommodate his height. “I thought perhaps we could persuade her to tell us if she knew you planned to help him remain safe from capture.”

He grinned, his eyes lighting with admiration. “That’s a brilliant idea.”

Elspeth felt inordinately flattered. “Thank you.”

“You are an excellent partner,” he said softly, taking her hand. Anticipation curled through her.

“I do want to help you find Lann Dhearg, and not just because I want the story.”

“I know that.” He lifted her hand to his chest, his fingers stroking and tangling with hers. His gaze drifted toward the window, and the crease between his brows returned. “The sun has come out again.”

Elspeth couldn’t tear her eyes from his. “The snow stopped?”



“I admit I was looking forward to having to spend at least one more night—in addition to tonight—here. With you.”

The sensation she felt was far more than flattery. “Were you?” The question was quiet but daring, almost breathless.

“Mmm, yes.” He lifted his other hand and caressed her temple, her cheek, her jaw.

Elspeth nearly closed her eyes. His touch stirred a pulse deep within her, a desire she’d never known. She swayed toward him so that their hands were trapped between their chests. “You probably shouldn’t kiss me again.”

“Why not?” His thumb stroked her lower lip.

She sucked in a breath and nearly brought the digit into her mouth. She was an utter wanton. “You’re a—” She fought to retain her control lest she throw all the caution she had out the window to her right. “You’re a lord.”

His eyes narrowed, and the tone of his voice changed. “Do you think I would take advantage? That I would expect—”

Elspeth took her hand from between them and put her fingertips on his mouth. She shook her head. “No, I don’t think that. I meant that we are from different backgrounds. While I enjoy kissing you—very much—we probably should not.”

A slow smile curled across his mouth. “You enjoy kissing me?”

She nodded, her heart clenching at how handsome he was when he smiled.

“Your background is immaterial.” He grimaced. “I don’t mean that it’s not important. I mean that my being a lord is…” He exhaled. “I am utterly botching this. Let me start again.” He cupped the side of her head. “Any difference of background between us is of no consequence to me. If you’re wondering whether a lord might consider a future with you, the answer is that this lord absolutely would.”

“Oh.” Joy bubbled up inside her. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling rather giddily.

“As to whether we should kiss, I suppose you have a point. It’s bad enough that you’re up here in my room alone with—”

Elspeth curled her hands around his neck and pulled his head down to kiss him. The moment his mouth met hers, her body seemed to melt. She fell against him, and he caught her, sweeping his hands to her back and holding her tightly. Their lips molded together, sealing in a delicious kiss that burned through her.

Strangely, she thought of who he really was—not

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