A Very Bossy Christmas - Kayley Loring Page 0,68

brought it up, my brain just shut down. I was already in defense-mode, but all I could do was think about how shitty my life would be if she weren’t my assistant anymore. I didn’t even have time to think about what it would be like if she isn’t in it the way she had been since the 23rd. For a guy who prides himself on saying all the right things at the right time, I totally shit the bed.

All I needed to do was listen to what she was saying and tell her how I felt, but I didn’t.

I threw myself into work for a couple of hours after she left, because that’s what I do. But once I’d blasted through everything, and the dust settled, I finally heard what she’d said. I finally heard what I’d actually said and realized five important things. One: I suck at relationships. Two: What she said about Hannah and me stung because she was right. Three: I can’t function without Maddie in my life. Four: I will do whatever it takes to let Maddie know how much she means to me. Five: I also have an obligation to my brother and my entire family to be here for this wedding, and the timing sucks almost as much as I do.

I can damage control almost any corporate nightmare that any idiot can throw my way, but apparently I’m still a novice at cleaning up my own messes. None of this is news to me—I knew I’d fuck things up with Maddie eventually. I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon. I honestly didn’t expect to fall for her as hard as I did. And I certainly didn’t expect her to feel anything other than lust for me either.

I reach for my cell phone, which has been charging ever since I got to the room. I can’t believe I’m taking advice from a thirteen-year-old girl, but Piper probably knows more about Maddie than I do. I intend to change that of course, but hopefully she was right about Maddie only needing a day or so to cool down.

Just as I’m opening up my phone app, I get a call from my sister.

“Hey, Case. Can I call you right back?”

“No. What kind of asshole answers the phone like that? You at the hotel?”

“Yes. What kind of asshat won’t let someone call them back?”

“You know what—I wasn’t even calling for you. I need to talk to Maddie.”


“We forgot to invite her to our spa day while you guys are out stirring up trouble. And by the way—keep your eye on my husband. If he gets anywhere near another woman today, I will castrate all of you.”

“That’s a pretty picture. I don’t think you have anything to worry about—have you not seen Aiden’s itinerary? The first stop on the party bus ride from hell is a Dave & Buster’s.”

“Yeah, you know how much respect Billy and Nolan have for Aiden’s itinerary? About as much respect as they have for your liver. Good luck not puking your brains out. Put Maddie on.”

What to say, what to say, what to say…

“Maddie isn’t here, actually…yet.”

Fuck you, optimism.

“What do you mean?”

“She had a minor family emergency to attend to, but she’ll try to make it to the wedding. Probably. We’ll see.”


“What? What am I supposed to do—not let her deal with a minor family emergency?”

The emergency being that she has to tell her family how big of an asshole I am.

“She’s not coming?”

“I didn’t say that. I just said she isn’t here. Look, I have to call her before the guys get here. Have a great spa day—I promise to keep your husband in line. See you tomorrow.” I hang up. I never hang up on my sister before she’s said goodbye first. I’m in a downward spiral.

I start typing out a text to Maddie. It seems like the smart thing to do—take her temperature first before calling—since I’m not exactly bringing my A-game with the ladies today. Before I’ve even finished typing three sentences, my mother calls.

And I know, even before I answer, exactly how this conversation is going to go.

“Hey, Ma.”

“Dec. Why isn’t Maddie here? What happened?”

“It’s just what I told Casey.” I say a quick prayer, just in case there’s a chance she’s so busy she’ll actually fall for that crap.

“Don’t you give me that, mister. There’s something wrong. I can hear it in your voice. You’re hungry and you’re anxious. Tell me. Or, you know… If

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