Venom's Prize (Devil's Riot MC Originals, #10) - E.C. Land Page 0,6

get out of here? We got shit to do tomorrow.” Yeah, we’ve got shit to do tomorrow. A run that we’ll need to leave bright and fuckin’ early for to be at the Franklin Charter when they get back from the docks. We’ll be taking the shipment off their hands and dispersing it between Hammer’s and Blow’s clubs.

“Yeah.” I nod and turn on the stool, place the empty bottle on the bar top, and stand to my feet. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I clench my teeth as I pull it out hoping it’s not the number I keep getting calls from.

I want nothing to do with her.

Glancing at the screen, I frown at K-9’s name popping up.

I tap on answer and bring the phone to my ear. “Fucker, we’re gonna see you in the morning. What are you calling me for?”

“Got a call from Jennings,” he says, mentioning our sergeant from before we got out.

“What did he have to say?” I ask.

“Wanted to inform me of Terson’s death. They found his body three days ago.” Oh fuck. Terson had been one of the five who reenlisted after our last deployment. Hearing he’d died is fuckin’ hard. Worse than that, the man just lost his wife to a freak accident where she ran off the road hitting a tree. She’d died on impact. The guys from our unit went down for the funeral to show our support.

“Did he say how?” I mutter the question while looking to Whip and holding a hand up motioning for him to stop.

“Yeah, he’d been murdered. Jennings said the coroner’s report stated he’d died with PCP in his system, but that’s not what killed him. Fuck, brother, someone slit his throat while he’d been in bed asleep,” K-9 rasps.

My stomach drops at his words and I stagger back a step like there’d been a blow to my chest. Someone murdered Terson in his sleep.

“His little girl?” I ask.

“She’d been staying at the grandmother’s house for a week since Terson was supposed to be on nights.” I close my eyes and lower my head. This is completely fucked up. Who would want to kill a man like Terson?


“Alright, thanks for letting me know, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I mutter quietly.

“Yeah, see ya tomorrow. Tell Whip for me. I told Jennings I’d make the rest of the phone calls to give a heads up. Evidently, it’s all over the news down there and he didn’t want us to find out second hand,” K-9 grumbles.

“Appreciated, Whip’s standing right here, I’ll fill him in,” I state, pulling the phone from my ear and hanging up.

Lifting my gaze, I meet Whip’s.

“What happened and who?” he demands through clenched teeth.

Glancing around the room, I notice the music had been turned down, and our brothers were gathered close.

“Terson was found murdered in his bed,” I say, closing my eyes and reaching a hand up to pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why him? Who the hell would want to kill Terson? He didn’t do shit to anyone. Shit. Now his daughter is left without a parent. It was bad enough she’d lost her mom now she’s lost her dad too. Motherfucker.” Whip snarls, the words ripping straight from his chest.

I know the feeling. When you spend so much time with the men in your unit you become connected in many ways and he’d been family.

Shaking my head, I take a deep breath and open my eyes.

“Sorry to hear about your brother,” Stoney is the first to speak up. “We’re here for you all if you need anything,” he says, stepping forward and clasps his hand on my shoulder.

“Thanks, Prez,” I mutter with a nod. “I’m just gonna head out, clear my head.”

“Don’t go it alone, brother,” Stoney states in a commanding tone.

“I’m not, we got a run tomorrow. I need to clear my head beforehand,” I grunt.

Nodding, Stoney steps back and I head for the door. I need to ride.

On the road, I think of the times we’d been overseas. Terson and the others would share the pictures they received in the mail from their wives and girlfriends. I didn’t hold the shit against them. I’d been pissed during the last deployment though. Mail came in and I received two different letters every time, I remember opening the one from Emilia begging me to forgive her and to take her back, how she promised to do better when I got home as long as I came back to Copyright 2016 - 2024