Vengeance Unleashed - Nancy Haviland Page 0,71

left eye. Unfortunately, he had to make it convincing, which was why the biker’s head snapped back, almost sending him down to his ass. And didn’t they all know about that split second it took before a pain-filled shower of fireworks burst behind the socket. The VP put a hand up when Vex stepped forward. Guy was the shit.

Going right up in the biker’s grill, V fisted the front of a sweet Affliction tee and glanced over to make sure Stefano wasn’t paying attention. “Sorry, man,” he murmured with uncharacteristic sympathy and regret, and then rolled his eyes and said louder, “Learn a little respect, asshole.”

“Hair smells awesome. Do you condition separately or use a two-in-one?”

He blinked and met the biker’s glinting eyes and had to bite the inside of his cheek so he wouldn’t bust out laughing. What the fuck? The dum-dum’s skull had to be hoppin’, yet here he was, Comedy Central. What a keeper.

With a weak shove, he sent the comedian toward the counter and went to stand like a statue at the front door. “Answer the man’s questions,” he barked, trying like hell not to look at Vex, who was trying to smother a grin.

Stefano pocketed his phone. “What do you know about the guy nailing your friend?”

That sucked the humor from the room like a Dyson, but Stefano didn’t give any fucks as he sauntered over to the coffee table where he picked up an issue of Soldier of Fortune. Paynne’s fingers closed into fists as the boss started flipping through it, and this time Vincente couldn’t hold back a grin. The magazine looked brand-new. If it had been his and he hadn’t had a chance to look through it yet, he’d be pissed, too.

Or maybe Paynne was cranky about hearing G was bedding Vasily’s daughter. Fuckin’ balls on his boy for not clearing it with the Pakhan, but whatever.

Glancing his way, Paynne flashed him a grim look but said, “All I know is his name; Gabriel Moore.”

Stefano’s demeanor changed like it always did when G’s name came up in conversation. Guy had one helluva hate-on for his brother. “This a serious relationship? Or is she just getting some grind.”

Paynne popped his jaw, the muscle under his swiftly swelling eye twitching. “Couldn’t say. Not really in the habit of asking my sister’s friends if they’ve found love.”

Surprisingly, Stefano ignored the sarcasm.

Or not, V thought, priming to step in as the boss reached into his inside pocket. But instead of pulling out his nine and attempting to blow a hole through the two gearheads, he withdrew what looked to be a couple of folded eight-by-tens. He placed them face down on the counter next to the Stella bottle.

“Thanks for the info, friend. Next time I need something, I expect you to be a little more accommodating.”

Wishing he knew who was being threatened—the photos couldn’t be about anything else—Vincente reached out and opened the door as Stefano came toward him. They left without another word.

† † †

Caleb Paynne watched Gabriel’s brother and his capo—who was much more impressive—leave his soon-to-be-vacated place. How the hell the Reaper could stomach playing that guy’s heavy he didn’t know. Fit the role, though, tough bastard.

When the door closed, instead of going back to raging over where the fuck Eva and Nika were—he couldn’t get a hold of either of his girls—he finally allowed himself the weakness of reaching up to touch his throbbing eye. Fuck. The swelling had already started. He grabbed a leftover bag of corn from the freezer so he could stick it on his face.

“Fucker,” he muttered as Vex came over. His Pres shoved the veggies aside and grabbed his chin, surveying the damage. “Considering we’re on the same side you’d think he’d have relaxed a little on the follow-through.”

Vex dropped his hand with a snort. “Think about the easy two-fifty behind that fist, my brother,” he said dryly. “He was relaxed. Was your hard-on for his hygiene habits necessary?”

He grinned. “Couldn’t help it. Guy’s too serious. Wanted to shake him up a little.”

“You did that. Could’ve sworn I saw his lip twitch.” Vex leaned over and picked up the papers Stefano had left on the counter.

Caleb slam-dunked the corn in the garbage but turned back when Vex cursed.

“What is it?”

“Death sentence.”


“Stefano Moretti’s.”

Adrenaline coming online, Caleb stepped up and glanced at the papers, his hands immediately making a grab for the two photographs.

“Time to head home, brother,” his Pres suggested.

Caleb stared down into his little sister’s sad eyes. Copyright 2016 - 2024