Vegas, Baby Volume 3 - Fiona Davenport Page 0,35

a shot before. If I’d known that Vegas would bring out this side of you, I would have dragged you here sooner.”

I just shook my head as I sipped at my water, refusing to give her any encouragement.

“Hello, ladies. My name is Kimberly, and I’ll be your server this evening.” We all turned to smile at the young woman who walked into the room. “If you’d like to take your seats, I’ll start with your appetizer orders. Unless you’d prefer for me to just do a variety of our best sellers since my boss is covering everything? Then you could sit down when then food is ready.”

Figuring it was going to be like herding cats to get everyone to the table, I answered, “Please go ahead and get us whatever you think we’d like best.”

“Will do,” she chirped before swiveling on one foot to head back out the door.

It wasn’t until the waitress was gone that my brow wrinkled as I realized that she had said her boss was covering our meal and drinks. I was confused because The Artemis wasn’t a Lennox property, and Drew had said he’d set this all up since they’d messed up our reservation for tonight. Maybe she’d gotten it mixed up? Or the owners of the two resorts had a reciprocal arrangement when situations like this came up?

As Maria shoved a frozen cocktail into my hand, I shrugged my shoulders. Which billionaire covered our tab wasn’t important. Avoiding my mystery man while celebrating my cousin’s upcoming wedding was what mattered.



As I entered the restaurant from the kitchen, I checked my watch for the millionth time. Finally seeing that it was time for the bachelorette party to arrive, I exhaled a deep breath. I’d spent all day going over the details of the party with my staff. My head chef, Deke, and I discussed their meal and snacks, and I instructed him to only give their food to Kimberly, the waitress I’d assigned to the girls. I wanted to make sure Amelia and her friends were safe and no one had the opportunity to tamper with their food. With the open bar and the wildness I’d seen the night before, they were bound to end up plastered, making them easy prey. Not that we’d had a problem with people trying to slip drugs to our customers, but I wasn’t willing to take any risks when it came to the woman I already considered mine.

I gave the same instructions to Kimberly, knowing they were in excellent hands with her. She was Deke’s granddaughter and had started as a hostess when she was eighteen. I’d been concerned with her lack of maturity and had almost fired her a few times for inappropriately flirting with male customers. However, I didn’t want to lose the best chef in Nevada, so I’d had a talk with Deke, and he’d had one with Kimberly. I didn’t know what he said to her, but within a couple of weeks, she’d done a complete one-eighty. Then, over the past several years, she’d grown into my best waitress and was on her way to being promoted to manager.

Lastly, I chose a bartender for the party… Technically, I could’ve been in trouble for taking sexual orientation into account when considering someone for a position in my hotel. But I didn’t have any female bartenders working tonight, and if a guy was going to spend the night serving my girl alcohol, he was sure as fuck going to be batting for the other team.

As the girls arrived, I headed back to the far-left corner of the room. I had a VIP to check on and figured it couldn’t hurt to give the ladies a chance to have a few drinks before I arrived.

Julian Storm, a friend and the headlining magician at the Lennox, had requested a special experience to celebrate an anniversary. He’d just helped his wife, Anna, slide into the booth as I approached. He was leaning over her, and she reached up to kiss him before saying, “You’re adorable, you know that?”

I snickered and teased, “Awww, I agree. He’s completely adorable.”

Julian glared at me as he stood back up. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be, Parker?” he groused.

My eyes darted over to a room with the bachelorette party, and I searched for a glimpse of my Amelia through the large glass windows. I spotted her after a moment, and as though she could feel me watching her, she suddenly turned and looked in Copyright 2016 - 2024