The Vatican - M.E. Clayton Page 0,6

is very good at what he does,” he replied. “Her brother is going to carry on the Benetti traditions famously when his time comes.”

“No one can argue that, Uncle Luca,” I said. “If anyone was born to lead, it’s him.”

His brows drew downward, regarding me. “You really believe that?”

I reared back, surprised. “Of course,” I answered automatically. “He was raised by you. How could he not be?”

Uncle Luca propped his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands together as he leaned forward at bit. “Luca, tell me what you see when you think about Francisco?” He was the only person that called me by my first name. Everyone else called me Ria or by my middle name Saveria. The only time I was ever called Luca by anyone else is if I was getting in trouble.

I thought about that question and random childhood memories ran through my head. Francisco had a wonderful upbringing, just like the rest of us, however, none of us had the pressure of being the next head of the Benetti Family. None of us had the pressure of wondering if we had what it takes to maintain what’s been built. We could afford to fail. He couldn’t. Our failures were his, but his failure wouldn’t be ours.

“I…I see a man who understands the difference between being a Benetti and being the Benetti,” I answered honestly. “I see a man who won’t fail, no matter the cost.”

Uncle Luca looked like he wanted to say something, but then he quickly shifted back to teasing. “And Cira thinks it’s enough to just be a Benetti,” he chuckled.

“And I have no doubt the Benetti now and the future Benetti know just how to handle the little lunatic,” I teased back.

He changed topics, knowing there was nothing to be done about his only daughter. “Are you staying for dinner?”

I shook my head. “Not tonight. I have-”


I grimaced. “You could have kicked me out, you know.”

Uncle Luca’s lips curved. “I love my son, and he may very well be the Benetti heir, but, like he knows who he is, he also knows who you are.” He winked.

Before I could comment, Francisco walked in. He glanced at me before turning his gaze on his father. “I heard voices,” he explained. “Am I interrupting?”

Uncle Luca looked at me. “Is he?”

I smiled, full-on, all my teeth. “Nope,” I replied, standing up. Uncle Luca stood up with me and tried to hide his smile.

“Christ, Dad, why don’t you just get it over with and hand her the keys to the kingdom already,” Francisco grumbled.

Uncle Luca did smile then. “Because she’s not a blood Benetti, Son.”

I turned to look at Francisco and grinned. “Good to see you, Benetti,” I laughed.

He lifted a black brow. “Fiore.”

We’ve never called each other by our names for some reason. It started when we were small, and we’ve been doing it ever since. I didn’t know why he called me Fiore, but I called him Benetti just to let him know that I knew exactly who he was, but I didn’t care. There was only one time I’ve ever called him by his first name, and I had to look away as the memory crept up on me.

Francisco Benetti was six-foot-one of pure male perfection. He had black hair that looked like silk, and black eyes that ran right through you. His face was sharp and angular, and the only things that softened it were the thick lashes he sported and those full, soft lips of his.

And, because of that memory three years ago, I knew what he looked like underneath the suits he wore. Francisco was built like a machine, and if he could hold a woman up against the wall and fuck her without struggle when he was only twenty-one-years-old, I couldn’t imagine what he could do to one now.

His dick was another thing he’d been blessed with. When he had torn through my virginity the night I killed Trent Hendrick’s for raping my friend, Holly Brim, it had felt like my entire body had been split in half. The pain had been excruciating, but it’s what I had needed at the time. I had been lost in my emotions and rage had still coursed through my body. I had tortured Trent for hours, but it still hadn’t been enough. When Francisco had ripped my clothes off and took control of my every thought and emotion with his body, it had been the single most electrifying experience of my Copyright 2016 - 2024