The Vatican - M.E. Clayton Page 0,45

wore wedding rings. It was dangerous. If our enemies realized we had someone of that kind of value, they’d surely try to find a way to use it against us.

While Mom, Aunt Frankie, Aunt Robbie, and Ria all had wedding sets with tracker in the engravement of their bands, Dad had Mom’s name tattooed across the back of his entire left hand, Uncle Phoenix had a tattoo of a church with an F as its steeple on the inside of his ring finger, and Uncle Ciro had Aunt Robbie’s name tattooed in elaborate script down the inside of his ring finger. With a lot of us tatted up, the meaning of our tattoos was easy to camouflage. Even Uncle Sal and Uncle Leo had gone the tattoo route in lieu of wedding bands.

I was breaking away from tradition.

Oh, I had Ria’s initials tattooed on the inside of my ring finger, but I wore a wedding ring too. I made the decision a few days ago when I had to go to The Sapphire for Uncle Ciro. My biggest regret was using The Sapphire to satisfy my needs while waiting on Saveria. I was going to have to conduct business there for Uncle Ciro whenever he needed me to, and there was no way to avoid the mistakes I’ve made there. Ria befriending Jessica, even if it had been for only that night, was a souring reminder of something that never should have happened.

When I had left the meeting with Uncle Ciro, I had gone straight to the jewelry shop where I had purchased Ria’s wedding rings and found a ring that matched her set. The jeweler had sized it for me immediately, and I had gone straight to Dad’s and told him I had one and why I was going to wear it. Considering how Ria felt about our marriage, he thought it was a good idea. Besides, even if someone could get to me, Ria had a sea of family and protectors to make sure no one came near her. She’d always be protected no matter what happened to me.

The only disappointing thing about it all was Saveria hadn’t said a word when she saw it on my finger. It had made all the different in the world to me to be wearing it, but it hadn’t fazed her a bit.

“Since now,” I replied. “So, what are you doing? How are you?”

Ciro scrunched her nose up at me. “Like you care?” she sassed.

“I do,” I retorted. “I care very much since you spend most your days thinking up ways to dethrone me or take over.”

Mattia laughed. “He’s not wrong.”

Cira rolled her eyes. “It’s hardly worth pursuing now that you’re married,” she griped. “Dad would probably find a way to make Ria a stand-in until he married her off to Sal Jr. or-”

“Watch it,” I bit out. I hated when they talked about my marriage to Ria like any husband would do.

Cira smirked as she hopped off the pool table. “If you really want me off your back, get pregnant, and that solves that.”

“Jesus, Cira,” Ria rushed out. “I’m not getting knocked up just because you’re crazy.”

“I’m not crazy,” Cira argued. “I’m cunning.”

Mattia snorted. “You’re crazy, girl. The entire family knows it.”

She looked over at Mattia. “You just refuse to see my potential,” she accused.

Mattia stood up and drank the rest of her drink. She was wise enough to know that girl time was over now that I was home. “You’re wrong,” Mattia countered. “We all see your potential and it’s terrifying as hell.”

“You just have no ambition, Matty,” Cira tossed back, but we all knew she was lying. Mattia Mancini would most likely be the next Holy Ghost. She and her sister, Bianca, were deadly with guns and any real weapon.

Mattia rolled her eyes. “Come on, Cira.” She winked my way. “Let’s leave the newlyweds in peace.”

Cira snorted. “Newlyweds, my ass. They’ve been tied at the hip since birth.”

Mattia grabbed Cira by the arm and dragged her along. “Come on, you nut job.” Cira grumble, but she didn’t put up a fight.

Ria laughed as they left. “Your sister is insane,” she remarked.

“Preach. Choir,” I retorted.

Ria grinned. “I sometimes wonder about the man who will marry all that one day.”

I let out a chuckle. “God help the poor bastard.” Then I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. “Hi, honey. I’m home.”

Ria grabbed the lapels of my suit jacket and pulled me around until I was standing between her Copyright 2016 - 2024