The Vatican - M.E. Clayton Page 0,40

forgotten, I said, “Go take your shower. I’ll make breakfast.”

She looked up at me, her eyes calm. “I need to send out a text to everyone apologizing,” she said. “I know your dad said we should always apologize in person, but there’s just too many of us for me to do that. So…just let me do that first, okay?”

I almost threw something across the room. “I already told you. You don’t have to ask me for permission to do shit, Luca.” I was barely hanging on by a thread. Couldn’t she see that? “Do whatever you want, however the fuck you want to do it,” I spat. “As long as you are being safe, that’s all that matters.”

I needed to get out of here, but before I could clear the door, she called out to me, “Benetti.” I steeled myself but turned to face her. Her voice was clear and steady as she said, “When I asked you if I could ask you a question earlier, it had just been a figure of speech.” She lifted her chin. “I hadn’t been asking permission.”

God help me, I almost smiled.

Her spirit never ceased to amaze me, and it was one of the things I loved best about her. And I knew standing back and letting her be the badass she was would in no way take away from my position in our family. Years ago, I heard someone say that my father might be the head of the Benetti Family, but my mother was the blood that fueled the brain inside.

Looking at Saveria, I understood the meaning more clearly now.

“We’re going to have to have a serious talk soon, Fiore,” I replied.

She gave me a terse nod. “I know, Benetti.”

I walked out and let her get herself together. Five minutes later, I heard a scream that curdled my blood. I raced back into the bedroom, my gun drawn, but it was empty. Running towards the bathroom, I slammed the door open and Ria was sitting on the toilet, her hands gripping her hair.

My gun on the counter, I dropped in front of her. “Luca?”

She looked up at me, her wet eyes alive with fire. “I’m going to kill you,” she seethed, not caring that I was witnessing her in one of her most intimate moments.


I wasn’t too proud to admit I was a little lost here.


“Do not call me that right now,” she hissed. “I can’t fucking move, Benetti!” I just stared at her blindly. “I just went pee and my entire lower half feels like it’s on fire, you asshole!”

I started laughing.

I know.

I know.

Not the best reaction, but she stowed away her homicidal tendencies after I ran her a hot bubble bath and took care of her.

Life was never going to be dull with her.

Chapter 19


Whoever said getting fucked all night long by a stallion was every girl’s dream was a fucking idiot.

It was a fucking nightmare.

Well, I suppose, to be fair, it hadn’t become a nightmare until I went pee this morning, but my entire body felt like it’d been hit by a truck.

And the worst part?

Every time I looked at the sexy sonofabitch, I wanted him to do it all over again.

After sending all the kids a text telling them I was sorry, the few who hadn’t sent me back middle finger emojis had helped move me to Francisco’s penthouse. And it was everything I could do not to murder my husband whenever someone asked me what was wrong with me because I was moving like an old lady.

Francisco just laughed.

The bastard.

Once I was moved into Francisco’s, he had informed me that we had a meeting with the adults this afternoon, and schedules had been rearranged for it, so it was a must. I didn’t mind, though. It was something that needed to be done.

So, now, we were making our way through the lobby of Kratos, heading towards the elevators. Our guards remained on the lobby floor as the elevator doors shut. Once inside, Francisco used his identification scan to lead us up to the top floor.

He looked down at me. “Nervous?”

I glanced up, one brow arched. “Not in the least,” I replied coolly. He chuckled but didn’t comment further.

Once we exited the elevator, we acknowledge Luca’s guards and Francisco used his palm to get us inside the foyer. But once inside the foyer, he stopped me. I looked up at him and the silly thought crossed my mind that I might end up developing a kink in my Copyright 2016 - 2024