The Vatican - M.E. Clayton Page 0,4

to let the guy get arrested. Since my dad wouldn’t ever deny her anything, he had called all the adults together and explained the situation. Aunt Frankie had been the one to make the call. Aunt Frankie had no illusions about who we were or what this family was about. She let Saveria make her own decisions about her life, and Saveria had made them. However, only the men knew the lengths Saveria had gone to that night.

The next night, Dad, Uncle Phoenix, Uncle Ciro, Uncle Sal, and Uncle Leo had waited at Uncle Ciro’s funhouse while I had driven Ria over. I had walked her in, escorted her to the body of Trent Hendricks hanging from the suspension chains, and stood back with the adults outside the splash zone and watched her go to work.

I had never seen anything so magnificent in all my life as Luca Saveria Fiore unleashing her rage on that piece of shit excuse for a human being, Todd Hendricks. Ria had torn the man apart and his screams had done nothing to soften her. Most people claim to be tough but hearing someone plead for their life often weakens a person. Their humanity is often touched by the act of real human suffering, so they relent.

Not Ria.

Not that night

When she had finished with him, she had turned towards all us men, still vibrating with adrenaline, and had asked, “Where can I clean up?” Her voice had been clear and steady; not an ounce of hysteria or remorse in that raspy tone of hers. I wasn’t sure what I had been expecting, but it hadn’t been the incredible self-control she had been exercising. By then, I had already killed my fair share of trash, so I had been desensitized at that point. This had been Ria’s first kill, and she had done it in the most magnificent fashion I’d ever seen. Every man in the room had been proud as fuck.

I had also been the one who had led her to the showers because every man in that room had known the one thing that Saveria hadn’t; Luca Saveria Fiore was mine. She didn’t know it, but she’d always been mine. I had agreed with the adults to give her and me some room to grow before it became official, but that hadn’t made Ria any less mine.

And the memory of that night had burned in the back of my mind for more reasons than having watched Ria kill a man.

When I had led her to the showers, Ria had stood there, a bloody fucking mess, as I turned on the showers and got everything ready for her. It wasn’t until she made no move to undress, and I looked into her eyes, that I realized she was still bloodthirsty.

With an intensity I never knew I could feel, I had torn off her clothes and mine, and I had ripped through her virginity underneath the water and against the tiled wall.

I had fucked everything I had into her as blood washed down the drains and our fathers and uncles had waited outside for us.

I had fucked Ria until my back had been shredded by her nails and my mark had left a scar on her neck, the blood washing down the drain was now our blood combined.

I had fucked her until she came all over me, marking me for fucking life, and her body had collapsed against mine, my name whispered over, and over again.

It was the first and only time I’ve ever been inside a girl without a condom and a part of me had wished she had gotten pregnant, so we could put this entire farce behind us, but she hadn’t.

Done, dressed, and over, we never spoke of that night since.

Chapter 3


Feeling special can become addicting. Especially when you’re feeling anything but. As a woman, I was prone to mood swings, and sometimes it was just simply as not feeling pretty on a random Tuesday to put me in a funk. Not that I was vain, but all girls deserved to believe they were pretty.

All girls.

And, while I knew my parents loved me, being the apple of Uncle Luca’s eye was an entirely different thing. Mom was awesome at what she did, and she never favored any of her children. Dad, however, treated us according to gender, and I got kid gloves lots of times when we were younger when Vincent and Dante hadn’t. Mom had worried that I would end up spoiled, Copyright 2016 - 2024