The Vatican - M.E. Clayton Page 0,26

place apart.

And when the calls came in from the Benetti guards who worked at The Sapphire, telling me that Luca Fiore had just walked in, it was a miracle I made it here without killing anyone.

But it wasn’t until I saw her walking towards me, dressed for fucking, with Jessica Silvio that I got a glimpse into how angry she was with our parents.

Because I was feeling that anger now.

At them, and at myself.

If they hadn’t pushed, and if I hadn’t bowed down, Ria wouldn’t be walking towards me with a woman who I’ve slept with before. Like Uncle Phoenix and Aunt Frankie, I would never have known anyone but Saveria, and she wouldn’t know what it’s like to be touched by anyone but me.

My chest felt like it was caving in.

When they reached the table, Ria said, “Excuse me, Benetti, but this is my table.” She pointed to the placard in the middle of the table. “See? It’s reserved.” Jessica’s blue eyes widened at Ria’s disrespect.

“I know, Fiore,” I replied, trying to steel my voice against the violence I wanted to do to this woman.

“Oh, God,” Jessica exclaimed, as she looked over at Ria. “You’re a Fiore?” She let out a sigh and smiled. “No wonder you can talk to him like that.”

Saveria smiled at Jessica, but then looked back over at me. “I was in the restroom, fixing my lipstick, when your…uh, friend, Jessica came in.” Saveria’s smile was wicked. “We met, clicked, and now it feels like we could really be the best of friends.”

I could feel the enamel grinding away from my teeth.

Ria turned her smile back onto Jessica. “And then, she was kind enough to recommend Franklin Hennessy.” Her eyes back on mine, she continued, “Of course, he’s not the beast in bed that you are, but he leaves a girl smiling in the morning.” She turned back towards Jessica. “Right?”

And because Jessica was just plain fucking clueless, she said, “Oh, definitely. Franklin is just what you need to see you through the night.” Then Jessica looked back at me with hope in her eyes. “Long time no see, Francisco,” she said, her voice suddenly shy.

I wanted to torch the whole goddamn place down.

I spared Jessica a quick glance. “Hello, Jessica,” I said, my voice strained as fuck. Jessica wasn’t a bad person. She was just a casualty of our parents’ manipulations.

“Well, now that you’ve got your man, why don’t you point out Franklin?” Saveria asked Jessica.

“He’s over t-”

“Fiore.” There was no mistaking my tone. It came out like a thunderous growl, and there was enough heat in it to stop Jessica mid-sentence.

Ria lifted her chin and arched a brow. “Don’t be a hypocrite, Benetti,” she replied coolly. “If this place is good enough to get your dick wet, it’s good enough to satisfy my needs.” Her lip curled, and she looked vicious. “Plus, I have it on good authority that Jessica, here, knows what she’s talking about.”

My eyes on Ria, I said, “Jessica, will you excuse us. We-”

Ria grinned and faced Jessica. “Oh, no. You don’t have to excuse us,” she said. “I’m the third wheel here.” She leaned in like she was telling Jessica a dire secret. “He’s just playing big brother. You know how family can get sometimes.”

Jessica believed her.

She threw out a titter of a laugh. “Oh…yeah, I get it.”

Saveria looked back towards me. “So, don’t disappoint my new friend, Jessica, and I’ll just go grab Franklin and a good time will be had by all, yeah?”

I was going to fucking kill her.

I’ve done a lot of shit in my short life, but I was in serious danger of killing this woman. Something I’d never be able to come back from. Something my life would end for. Saveria was pushing in a way that was dangerous for both of us. She was the only person in our family that was equal to me in power, and if I didn’t conquer her, if I didn’t come out on top in this battle of the wills, she’d own me and burn down the entire Benetti Organization on an angry whim. On the platform of her torn and battered emotions. She believed she’s been betrayed, and she knew exactly what we did to people who betrayed us.

I couldn’t let her win.

No matter the cost to our future.

“Take one fucking step towards any man in this room, and I will fucking kill you, Fiore,” I bit out.

Jessica finally got a clue. “Uh…I’ll just let-”

Saveria smirked. Copyright 2016 - 2024