The Varsity Dad Dilemma - Lex Martin Page 0,130

on TV because y’all were doing so well. I thought it was a sign, that I needed to get Poppy to her father.”

She’s full-on crying now. I hand her a box of tissues that’s sitting on her coffee table. Sensing she needs a minute, I’m quiet.

After she blows her nose, more tears stream down her face. “Now that I’m here and have had time to process everything, I feel like the worst human on the planet. Like, how could I leave her like that? Anything could’ve happened to her. I just felt so overwhelmed and couldn’t stand it any longer. I know I should’ve talked to you or one of your roommates, but I felt so ashamed.”

It might take me some time to come to terms with this, but after watching my father struggle with an addiction his entire life and still not beat it, I want Cricket to know I’m on her side. Gabby and I are on her side.

“Everything worked out. I’m not crazy about how it happened, but she’s one of the best things to ever happen to me.” I pat her shoulder awkwardly.

I don’t want to be angry at her anymore. Life’s too short. She knows she made a mistake and obviously wants to make amends. Hell, I’m not sure I would’ve known what I would’ve done in her position, so I can’t go throwing stones.

“Poppy’s doing well. I love her so much. She’s getting big.” The more I talk, the calmer she grows. “You should see her with my roommates. It’s like she has a house of uncles. She’s never lacking for love or attention. My girlfriend…” I trail off when I think of how much Gabby has done for me. “She’s amazing. She helps me so much with Poppy. Gabby loves her. Adores her, really.”

“So you don’t hate me?”

I take a deep breath. “You carried the most precious human for nine months. How could I hate you?”

She gives me a watery smile. “Do you think Poppy remembers me?” she whispers, her voice pained.

I nod. “Yeah, I do. Want to see her?”

When she agrees, I call Gabby on my cell. A few minutes later, she and Poppy come through the door, and my heart fills with warmth. God, I love them. I kiss Gabby and grab her hand.

“Cricket, this is my girlfriend Gabby.” Now that I understand how Gabby felt before I announced we were together, I use the g-word whenever I can. I never want her to doubt me again.

And someday soon, I’m planning to level up to the w-word. Wife. Because Gabriela Duran is it for me.

My daughter stares at her birth mother and grins. She reaches out an arm to Cricket, but when Cricket tries to hold her, Poppy makes grabby hands for Gabby until the two women are standing side by side so my gremlin can hug them both.

I have no idea how we’re all going to work through this, but with Gabby in my life, I know we will. For the sake of my new family.



Huddling into Rider, I smile. We’re freezing our tails off, but I don’t care. This is too cool.

“Do you realize we’re sitting in the same seats I had a year ago when you beat UT?” I mean, the exact same seats.

“No kidding?” His eyes are lasered to the players on the field. Pretty sure he wants to leap down there and play with them.

I tuck the Broncos blanket around us. Lowering my voice to a whisper, I add, “This game isn’t as good, but I might be biased.”

The Broncos are losing.

“Give the boys a chance. There’s still time.”

I stare at his stoic profile. He’s so serious when he’s watching a game.

The team is honoring him today by naming a scholarship after him during halftime. Coach Sully is here, and several of Rider’s teammates came too.

Another student skids to a halt when he sees my boyfriend. “Holy shit, it’s you. Man, I’m a huge fan. Like, huge!”

The last twelve months have catapulted Rider into mega-athlete-stardom, but he still tries to talk to everyone who approaches him, especially when he’s on campus.

“Hey.” Rider gives him an easy smile, which I know takes effort since he’s trying to pay attention to the game. The team has had a tough time transitioning to a new coach, but I think they’re finally coalescing under the different style of leadership.

Rider chats with the fan a few minutes and signs some autographs, but when the timer on his phone goes off, he Copyright 2016 - 2024