The Varsity Dad Dilemma - Lex Martin Page 0,110

over a month?”

“Because she offered to help me get a lawyer.”

“Conveniently offering to fix a problem she caused in the first place? And maybe sinking her talons into you at the same time.” He shrugs. “Maybe this scandal got outta hand. Maybe it started small, a way to weasel her way back into your life.”

Knox nods as he chugs some juice. “Something to stress you out so you’d seek carnal comforts.”

“Carnal comforts. Really?” I make a face. Jesus, do these guys think I’m a complete animal? “Don’t Mrs. Hildebrand or even that dick Jason have motives too?” Since my roommates were all here on Sunday to see shit go down with Adele, I explain the run-in I had with Jason the other night.

We debate this for a while, until I realize it doesn’t matter anymore. The news is out. My shame is being played out on national news for the whole damn world to see. Nothing is going to change my situation until the meeting with the provost.

But I’m finding the cinderblock on my chest has to do with Gabby, not football or the scandal.

“Shit got ugly with Gabby last night,” I finally admit. “She obviously sees what y’all do in Miranda and I didn’t handle her suspicions well, mostly because I felt attacked. Like I was some dirtbag she didn’t trust.”

Tank winces. “You did kinda ditch Gabby freshman year for Miranda, right?”

What the fuck?

He holds up his hands before I can respond. “Don’t get upset. Gabby and Bree talk, okay?”

Hell. He heard this from Bree?

He makes a face. “I always wondered this myself, so don’t get mad at the girls.”

Christ. Really?

Olly pours some coffee. “No offense here—I love Gabby—but shouldn’t we focus on your hearing tomorrow? You know, the one being held in less than twenty-four hours?”

“It’s not a hearing exactly. Coach said I can present my side of things to the board of conduct to see whether or not I’ve violated any school rules, which will determine if I can play this weekend.”

Olly joins us at the table. “One fire at a time, and the most pressing issue is your meeting. Then we should focus on football. Again, I love Gabby. Adore her, really. And if you weren’t dating her, I’d totally make a play for that girl.” Seriously? He smirks at my reaction. “But I’m guessing she’ll still be there once you deal with the rest. And if you can’t get your head on straight, even if they let you play, we’re all fucked.”

He’s right. He’s so damn right. My head is a mess. Assuming I can play this weekend—and that’s a big assumption—I’m screwing the whole team and Sully if I can’t concentrate.

Tank holds out both his arms. “Or, one might say a happy daddy is a focused daddy.”

“There you go again, calling me Daddy.”

The guys laugh. Even I crack a smile.

“Just saying, if you get things straight with Gabby, it’s easier to align everything else. Trust me. My woman would agree.”

Knox snorts. “That’s ’cause Bree wears your balls like hood ornaments on the dash of her car. Of course she’s gonna agree.”

“Says the guy who never gets laid.”

“Children!” I tilt back my chair and grab the box of donuts I picked up last night after my blowup with Gabby. “Here. Have some carbs, and then you can help me strategize. I need to get my woman to forgive me for being an ass.”

Tank chomps on his donut and points at me. “I’m gonna refer you back to 80s rom-coms and the grand gesture.”

I have no idea what he’s talking about, but if it’ll help me make things right with Gabby, I’m all ears.

By the time we’re done talking, I’m relieved to have a plan. It feels good to know the guys are on my side.

But then my father calls later in the day, and just like that, that brief feeling of optimism evaporates.



“Thank you.” I sniffle as I take the box of tissues from my counselor. Her wrinkled brow smooths when she gives me a concerned smile.

“This might surprise you, but you’re not the first student to cry in my office.”

“That makes me feel better.” Or it could be the half-hour I just spent purging my story to Ms. Vasquez.

She taps her pen on the desk. “The good news is what happened at Archer likely won’t affect your student-teacher placement. We have longstanding relationships with these public schools, and since you’re an excellent student and Hillcrest Middle School has already accepted you, I doubt they’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024