The Vampire's Surprise - Stormy Glenn Page 0,3

that could happen. He doubted he'd see his bed until midnight.

Quinn leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

"The doctor is ready for you."

Quinn kept his groan locked behind his lips as he opened his eyes and pushed himself to his feet. He followed the nurse back to one of the rooms that had been set up as an exam room. The doctor was waiting for him.

"Hey, Doc."

"Hello, Quinn." He patted the exam bed. "Hop on the bed and roll up your sleeve."

Quinn knew the routine. He set his bag down next to the door and took off his jacket before doing as the doctor had ordered. He no longer got queasy when the doctor stuck a needle in his arm or when his blood began to go up the clear little tube into the bag hanging on the IV stand.

"This shouldn't take too long, Quinn."

Quinn smiled. "I know." This was not the first time he'd done this. It wouldn't be the last. "Any word on the synthetic blood?"

Dr. Webster shook his head. "Vaile Industries still refuses to sell to anyone not on their approved list."

Quinn's heart sank just a little bit. "Don't they understand that there are people out there starving to death?"

"I'm not sure they care, Quinn. The vampires I serve live on the fringes of society, vampire society and human society. Most people don't want to admit there's a problem let alone deal with it."

Quinn knew that was why Dr. Webster worked in his free clinic. It was the only way some people—human and vampire—could get medical care.

"It's wrong," Quinn said. "My brothers and sister never asked for this. It's not their fault their fathers had the bad luck of falling for our mother."

His own father had been killed, murdered right in front of Quinn's eyes, by rogue vampires, which was how he knew about them. It was a horrible way to learn about vampires, an even worse way to discover his mother actually was one of those fanged freaks.

"We both know it's not right, Quinn, but it is what it is." Dr. Webster removed the needle from Quinn's arm and then placed a cotton ball over the needle opening and put a piece of medical tape over it. "If I won the lottery tomorrow, I'd be able to fix things, but I can't."

"You do enough, Doc." Geez, the man had dedicated his life to helping those who couldn't help themselves, both human and vampire. He didn't discriminate.

Quinn rolled his sleeve down and then hopped off the bed. He grabbed his jacket on and then took the bag of blood from the doctor and stuck it in his bag. He dug a small handful of bills out of his pocket and handed them over.

"Quinn, you know my services are free."

"I also know you pay for most of this out of your own pocket. Take it. Use it for someone who can't donate to the cause."

The doctor grimaced, but did as Quinn said.

"Same time next week?" Quinn asked.

"You know my office hours."

He did. He'd been coming in to the clinic once a week to have blood drawn for ages. It wasn't something he was thrilled with, but it beat the alternative.

"Thanks, Doc." Quinn grabbed his bag, swung the strap over his shoulder, and then headed out. He still had another bus ride before he had to walk those six long blocks home. He headed out the front of the clinic and then down the street to catch the bus to take him home.

Quinn was feeling sluggish by the time he climbed off the bus at his last stop. He'd give anything to have a car where he could just drive from point A to point B and be done with it. He just couldn't afford one or the upkeep that came along with it.

He pulled his collar up over his throat and the bottom of his face then started the six-block trek to his house. The walk went fairly easy. As dangerous as his neighborhood was, most people left him alone.

Some appreciated the things he did for the small knit community. Others were wary of him. Quinn didn't really care one way or the other as long as they didn't bother him.

By the time his little gray house came into view, Quinn was so tired, he was ready to drop to his knees and crawl. He felt a small spurt of energy as he passed through the front gate then up the walkway to his porch.

He pulled out Copyright 2016 - 2024