Vampire Debt - Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers #2) - Kelly St. Clare Page 0,92

and pleasure as he worked the garment up over my stomach.

He stopped when the bottom of my breasts were exposed. This was a no-bra kind of dress. Was he surprised? My boobs bounced as he freed them to push the dress over my head.

I steadied myself with a hand on his shoulder after. His eyes were as dark as I’d ever seen them, intent on me. A deep-rooted admiration twirled toward me, a fierce protective emotion. Combined, the feeling was almost like…


Drawing back, clad only in my panties, I covered my breasts and tucked my chin.

“Why are you covering yourself?” he said in a calm voice. “You’re beautiful beyond compare.”

I closed my eyes. I had zero issues with my body. “You’ve never looked at me that way.”

“No,” he admitted. “And that’s overwhelming for you.”

No kidding.

“Lower your arms, my beauty. Let me see you.”

What did that mean though? This felt a whole heap more intimate than sex. So deeply erotic and invasive.

I opened my eyes first, just slightly, to peek at him through my lashes. He wasn’t fooled, his meadow-green gaze latched on. Kyros tilted his head and reached for his loosened tie, discarding it before setting his attention to the buttons of his shirt. I watched as he worked down the line, exposing smooth, golden skin.


I appreciated the reciprocation though.

Keeping my gaze lowered, I let my arms drop to my sides, resting my palms on the tops of my legs as I sat on his thighs again.

His hands slid up from my bent knees, up my forearms, and along my shoulders to follow the slopes of my neck upward. He forced my head upward until my eyes locked once more with his.

The vampire let go, leaning forward, and I tensed in readiness for a kiss that might end me forever.

My breath quickened as he reached an arm overhead and pulled his unbuttoned shirt off.

I drank in the sight of him, mouth drying at his unfathomable beauty.

Kyros drew my arms through his black shirt sleeves and set to buttoning the front. I sighed at the slither of warm material over the painful indents the dress had made.

“That feels better.” Kyros tucked me back against his chest.

And I went.

Fuck it all, but I went; just to be pressed against him in the bubble where the world didn’t seem to exist and we weren’t at odds.

“I’m sorry for hurting and scaring you, true mate,” he whispered in my ear. “So very sorry.”


I studied my notes from the meeting with the siblings, snickering. I’d found a way to recall the various discussion threads despite the Vissimo-induced reactions of my body.

Now, I kept a separate document open on the tablet. I stared at my first hashtag.


Translation: The realty push in the agriculture suburb was at full tilt.


Rory’s plans to merge the new bank, NJB, with Bluff City Bank were underway.


Gerome had plans for a fashion festival to launch a new street of boutique shops in Green.


Lionel was set to launch the vertical farming to the public.


Safina, in charge of the second largest industry—local government—was having her politicians enter a bill to inhibit further categorising of agricultural land to housing land.


There were no major current changes proposed for the health, manufacturing, retail, and education industries that belonged to Neelan, Deirdre, Francesca, and Lalitta respectively.

I sat back, pretty chuffed with my new method of keeping track. Really, being up on Level 66 was the perfect mentorship to learn how the industries in Bluff City worked together and how they affected each other. I was still scratching the surface, but in time, Sundulus would show me exactly how to strengthen my own game.

“They’re taking off the cover,” Lionel hissed at Neelan, dragging me from reverie.

Kyros had left to answer a question from a blushing minion after the call with King Julius, and Lionel was about to reveal his fucking billboard.

Oh brother.

He whirled to me. “Can you take a photo when he comes in?”

“Sure,” I said drily, sliding my phone out as Kyros entered the room.

He was surrounded by his smirking brothers and sisters. Fingers racing, I clicked on my camera and took a few snaps of the nine royals.

Things with Kyros had been different over the last few days. Settled, yet more intense. Like a vibrating undercurrent existed between us at all times. Usually the bond made me feel burning attraction—and that wasn’t diminished—but I was feeling an emotional clinginess that I’d never experienced before. And I could tell he was too.

We hadn’t interacted much since our cuddling Copyright 2016 - 2024