Vampire Debt - Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers #2) - Kelly St. Clare Page 0,73

out restricted terms in a human crowd as long as a vampire was with me?

Somehow I strongly doubted it.

She cocked her head, sliding her dark gaze to me. “It’s a shame we’re on different sides. These parties would be far less dull.”

Studying the almond shape of her hazel eyes, I answered. “I promise to attend these things if you do.”

Gina smiled in a flash of teeth that transformed her face from maleficent to snow white. “I don’t like the vagueness of that. Pass your phone. I’ll put in my number.”

Uhm, that was a whole new level of seriousness that could get my butt kicked by King Julius.

Her attention was elsewhere. Following her glance to Rory, I scanned his furious expression.

That was a resounding don’t fucking do it, Basilia. Taking her number with Rory as a witness felt less secretive though.

I pulled out my phone from my dress pocket—a demand I made of my tailors so I didn’t have to carry a clutch. “You’re on.”

She rattled in her number and passed it back. “I sent myself a message so I have your number.”

I’d ask Daniel to do regular checks on my phone security.

“I need to speak to the boring humans now.” Gina circled her shoulders a few times.

I watched her warm-up routine. “Talk to them or fight them?”

“Depends. I’m talking to Harriet Gregorian first.”

Tossing back my champers, I set it on a passing tray. “I won’t complain if you rearrange her face. She stole my favourite Barbie when I was seven.”

Gina surveyed Harriet over the rim of her untouched drink. “Yes. She has a rampant petty theft problem. It makes her very easy to blackmail.”

Clan Fyrlia didn’t play by human law, but such a casual admission shocked me. Then again, with Harriet Gregorian, caring was hard.

“Go get ’em, tiger,” I said lamely.

Gina didn’t get far. She turned back to survey me in heavy silence.

I lifted my brows. “Something on my face?”

“Not a hair out of place,” she said breezily. “But if I were you, I’d ride to the tower with Rory after the ball. You may avoid three problems.”

Strong arms wrapped around me from behind.

A hand slipped into my pocket, drawing out my phone. I let Rory have it, not breaking in my conversation with the mid-fifties founder of NJB. She dragged her shocked gaze from the vampire and back to me.

Kyros’s brother wouldn’t find anything on there. Messages automatically scrubbed from the SIM and I had important contacts under bland names. I’d already changed Gina’s name to Stanley Yelnats.

He slipped my phone back into my pocket a moment later.

“Darling, you have my number now.” His breath was hot on my ear.

I extended my hand to Ms Cryt, a widow with a business mind. “A pleasure to meet you, Ms Cryt. I believe you’re one of the few I’ll actually like.”

Amusement tinged her soft grey eyes. “Thank you, Miss Le Spyre. I look forward to bettering our acquaintance.”

“My people will be in touch with your people.” I looked over my shoulder. “Rory, what do you want?”

One hand slid across my cinched waist, the other trailed over my shoulder left bare by the off-the-shoulder design. “To take you home.”

Ms Cryt’s frowned.

Knew I liked her.

“Darling,” I said in a low voice. “I hope your real pick-up lines are far better than that. But I could use a ride to your brother’s.”

His blue eyes danced.

“Now, my heart?” he murmured into my hair.

Laughter choked in my throat. “Yes, now.” I had a few things to do before my shift at Live Right.

“Your wish. My command.”

He was laying it on thick tonight.

I let him lead me through the crowd, waving at a pale Lady Treena. Gina had already left. Couldn’t blame her really. I wanted to cry at how many of these evenings I’d have to attend. Probably one a fortnight if I only went to a quarter of events. At least I had a reason to take on Bluff City’s elite bullshitery now. My efforts to buy more real estate weren’t enough to win the game. I had to stay connected in other industries and push forward where I could. Finance and entertainment were two of the largest industries and big on their little social gatherings.

“Miss Le Spyre, good evening.”

I looked around for the speaker, feeling Rory’s hand clamp around my forearm.

Horror slammed into me as I came face-to-face with Rhys’s aunt—the aunt who’d seen me leaving with her nephew the night he died.

“Ms Wannington,” Rory said smoothly as my heart pounded.

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