Vampire Debt - Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers #2) - Kelly St. Clare Page 0,66

everything a fucking experiment to him?

Not that I wasn’t at the beach for my own reasons, but just when I thought myself the ultimate seductress, he went and usurped my efforts.

“Then you best figure out how to control yourself,” King Julius said in a silken voice. “Especially considering she is to be our new human liaison.”

The king sneered down at me. “Present yourself for the dice roll each night. You will henceforth work from midnight to 3:30 a.m. on Level 66. Whether you spend the rest of your workday in house acquisition or in tutoring the other staff, I leave to the discretion of my heir.”

This was perfect, but I had to put up some fight. “I don’t believe I can keep up that kind of routine ongoing. It will take its toll on me physically and impede my decision making.”

He ignored me. “Kyros, today I could have compelled this human through blood, and I did not. Do not do me the disservice of taking that mercy for granted.”

I released a shaking breath.

“Thank you, Father.”

Fuck you, Father.

“Thank me by not demeaning yourself with a mate bond to a human, no matter if she is smarter than the average cattle. Seducing her for her assets was acceptable when you maintained a dignified distance. My heir will not attach himself permanently to a baser race.”

Hurt spliced me at his callous mention of using me like a dishcloth. Regret coursed through Kyros.

“Lover, are you telling a young male not to pursue a young woman?” A clear voice rang out.

An ethereal goddess of a woman appeared from between the curtains behind the throne. Kyros’s mother. The queen of Clan Sundulus. I’d seen her on the live stream of the dice roll.

… Though not topless with only black garters and silken black underwear on.

Whatever floats your boat.

“Mom!” Neelan hissed, turning away.

I glanced back to see most of the siblings blurring from the room. Mirth bubbled up my throat as Rory covered his eyes while Safina merely looked amused.

“My queen,” the king greeted, taking her hand as she approached him in some otherworldly gliding impression of a swaying walk.

I could barely take my gaze from her. No wonder both kings had wanted to harem her up. Milky skin seemed to glow and rich blonde tresses trailed to her lower back. Did vampire moms breastfeed? Because her boobs sat higher than mine. Her rosy nipples could have their own Twitter page.

Maybe I’d start one.

“Lover, do you think it wise to give our son an order he cannot possibly keep? To deny a blood bond with a true mate, is not that cruel? You know as well as I that being human is no real barrier.”

Alarm coursed through the bond, every speck of it from Kyros. What the hell was that about?

The king’s gaze trailed to his queen’s breasts and then lower.

I glanced over my shoulder again, enjoying the sight of Safina turning faintly green. The only one left, she turned tail and marched from the chamber.

Kyros remained with his head down, but his discomfort and disgust were discernible through his continued rage. Turns out parent PDA was viewed the same by both species.

The king twirled the queen and she landed on his lap with a light laugh.

Were they about to get it on? Because even I’d have a problem watching that.

“Lover, our son and his true mate are still here,” the queen said, shooting a curious glance my way.

The king growled.

“That is what she is, Julius,” the queen said sternly.

His jaw clenched as he met her cool gaze. “My son is not meant to be with a human.”

The queen said nothing, trailing her fingertips over his chest. And lower.

And lower.

I grinned as Kyros’s wrath gave way to nausea.

“Leave,” the king said without looking our way.

The queen jerked. “Oh, but stay for dinner, please, my first son.”

“Yes, Mother. After I take Miss Le Spyre home,” Kyros murmured, turning without lifting his head.

The king lowered his head to his queen’s ample chest. “Neelan can do it.”

He totally knew about his children’s side game of tormenting me and Kyros.

“Yes, Father.” Kyros bowed, looking at me for the first time. His expression was unfathomable, and I tried to make sense of the determination and resignation emanating from the massive vampire.

“Basilia,” he said, striding to the door.

Woof woof!

But, really.

Like I needed any encouragement to get the fuck out of King Julius’s sight.


“Miss Le Spyre,” Angelica greeted as I exited the lift onto Level 66 on Sunday night. “Congratulations on your promotion.”

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