Vampire Debt - Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers #2) - Kelly St. Clare Page 0,57

spend it with you. At the beach.”

He got two days off each month, and he wanted to spend them with me? “You spend your weekend off with your family.”

“Usually, yes. If you aren’t busy, it has been a long time since I visited Lyall Bay.”

My favourite beach. I narrowed my gaze. Was he aware of that somehow? And why were normal words coming out of his mouth? I didn’t like it.

I gripped his forearms and side-stepped him to gain a more secure footing. He let me anyway.

Licking my lips, I peeked glances at the eerily still Indebted. Laurel alone had moved to clamber out of the pool, ready to face execution.

“Or if you’d prefer that I stay here with your Vissimo, that’s okay too. I just want to be in your company.” Kyros purred his ultimatum.

My eyes flew to his. Did he just call the Indebted Vissimo? The vampires at my back didn’t move or speak, but there was no way they’d missed that.

A smile widened my lips, and Kyros blinked, his face slackening. His mouth formed words I couldn’t make out.

“I’ll come to the beach with you.” I decided. This suited my game and, more importantly, removed him from the estate. “For a few hours.”

“Dinner as well.”

I swiped up my loose white bikini cover-up, throwing it over my head. “Late lunch. Restaurant of my choice. Back by two.”

Amusement. “Four.”

I picked up my phone, floppy hat, and oversized sunnies. “Four, and I get to pick your meal.”


“Why not? You scared?”

He smiled, and I frowned at the blatant admiration I was picking up through our bond.

I held out my hand. “Lyall Bay, late lunch, back by 4:00 p.m., and I pick your meal.”

Kyros extended a massive hand to grip mine, surprising me when he all-but bent in half to press a lingering kiss to the back.

I swallowed my groan, my mind immediately placing his head between my legs. That really had been the most catastrophic orgasm of my life. Was he thinking about it too?

His nostrils flared. “We have a deal, vixen.”

My beauty. Vixen. The words thrilled the blood-bound part of me and otherwise made me grossly uncomfortable. “Where’s your ride?”

Kyros quirked a brow, turning. “Hop on my back.”

“You snuck onto the estate like a rebellious teen?”

Taking a running leap, I wrapped my legs around his waist and looped my arms around his neck. “You only did this so I’d have to touch you more.”

“When it comes to you, I take what I can get.”

“Wait,” I said loudly.

He glanced over his shoulder. “What?”

“You need to tell my guards they can do whatever they want while on my property.”


“Because you ruined their buzz,” I snapped. “Coming in here like a wet blanket and ruining my pool party.”

Reluctance and humour rolled between us.

Kyros glanced at the frozen Indebted, fixing his gaze on Laurel. “When on this property, you may act like humans as long as your real purpose in being here is upheld at all times. I was able to reach her. Do not defend my true mate against Vissimo like the Tonyi triplets, plan to defend her against someone like me.”

My gut churned at just how right his words were. He was the one I needed protection from. Kyros’s grip behind my knees tightened.

Laurel peered up at the house before bowing low. “Of course, Master.”

I scrunched my nose. Ew. The master thing was gross.

Kyros peered back at me. “Is there anything else you’d like me to say to your Vissimo?”

He said it again!

I beamed and caught his smile before he faced forward.

“That’s all,” I said grandly. “Onwards. Where are you parked?”

“Out front.”

How the hell did he sneak in without my human staff and fifty Indebted noticing? I knew he was pretty powerful, but could I expect more visits from him? If so, that could get really problematic.

Kyros beelined for the house.

“Go around, please,” I said. “Tommy’s in there watching movies and I don’t want her to see you.” Or any of my staff, especially Fred.

“Your friendship with Tommy is re-established?”

Who even spoke like that?

I huffed. “We never stopped being friends, but she has forgiven me, yes. Because I moved back to the estate and you’re in my past.”

“You told another lie to get out of a lie?”

“Not a lie.”

“You’re wrapped around me right now.”

Arms looped around his neck, I rested my head on his shoulder, inhaling his amazing man scent. I was soaking wet from the pool, and soaking him through, and yet all I could think about was how wet I Copyright 2016 - 2024