Vampire Debt - Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers #2) - Kelly St. Clare Page 0,49

pride of two kings. That needs to end.”

“What you ask… if it failed, if the Indebted were caught, the repercussions to us would be catastrophic.”

“I know. Which is why I don’t want the others to know until I’m in a position to uphold my end of the bargain. I wanted to make the deal without involving you, but…”

She pressed her lips together. “We will attain our freedom and you will lose yours.”

What remained of it.

“You know what your sisters and brothers need and want,” I told her seriously. “If you believe they’ll take my offer, then that’s good enough for me to forge ahead. If you’re unsure in any way, I need to know that too.”

The vampire held my gaze. “They’ll take it. Without second thought.”

Okay. “Those from Clan Fyrlia as well?”

“Without a shadow of a doubt.”

I relaxed and then tensed all over again.

I’m really going to do this.

Laurel fixed me with a level look. “Your relationship with Kyros. What you feel for him by the sixth exchange will be much stronger than what you currently feel.”

If the first three were anything to go by, the change would be drastic—almost unbearable.

She leaned forward. “He’ll be able to hear your thoughts at the sixth exchange.”

I shivered, but I’d considered that possibility. “That’s better than expected, actually. I’d feared it might happen at the fourth or fifth. Can he hear my thoughts always?”

“Only within a certain distance, or so I believe.”

That was one silver lining. “Then that will be the period of highest risk. Though once I have the protection of your force after the sixth exchange, it won’t matter what he learns from my head.”

I hope.

The vampire didn’t seem convinced. “What about what you might feel for him by the sixth exchange? Or even at the next?”

Over my dead body would I feel anything for Kyros ever again.

I spread my hands wide. “I loved my grandmother more than anything in this world, Laurel. I’ll uphold her legacy until my dying breath. I swear to you that the bond with Kyros will not change our deal. I say that with certainty—because if I could free you all without any of this bullshit, I’d do it in a second. What the bond makes me feel for him may heighten, but who I am will not alter.”

Her expression cleared. “When did you find out about your grandmother’s hand in the game?”

“Four days ago.”

She stretched out her hand. “You have a deal.”


“That was sudden.”

“You offered to buy our freedom that day at the waterfall while still at the tower and ignorant of your grandmother’s work. Your offer comes from the heart.”

I scowled. “It annoys me that you lump me in with everyone who has shat on you.”

Amusement flickered in her bright eyes. “One day I might not.”

I rounded the desk. Having the Indebted at my back was the cornerstone of my midterm strategy. Her agreement on their behalf felt like a massive battle won.

“Would you like me to send Fernando in?” she asked, following me to the door.

“Is he nervous?”


I smirked. “Another day to stew will help build character then. I’ve been meaning to ask what the penalty would be if Kyros got wind of Fernando’s betrayal.”

Her expression darkened. “Kyros lost face. His true mate nearly died. Five of his Indebted were killed. The penalty for that is death. The debt of Fernando’s mother and his new debt would be passed on to his eldest child. Barring that, the closest family member. Which in his case, would be his only sister.”

I whistled low. “Shit. That was a helluva risk to take.”

“The desperate aren’t known for 20/20 vision. His actions reflected poorly on all Indebted, however. He’s being treated accordingly.”

I wasn’t surprised. I’d do the same. “If you see Fernando, please tell him to meet me here at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow.”

Laurel bowed.

I couldn’t stop myself fidgeting this time. “Please stop bowing to me. I’m not your superior in any way, shape, or form.”

She straightened. “No.”

“No, you agree?”

“No, I won’t stop.”

Alright then.

“You need to exchange blood with Kyros three more times,” she said, searching my gaze. “Has he agreed to that?”

Less than two weeks ago, he’d been pretty fucking eager. If he suspected anything suspicious about my return, the password to his pants would be as impossible to crack as the code to his lair.

Priority number one was infiltrating Kyros Sky.

Priority number two?

Seducing the fuck out of a one hundred and forty-nine-year-old vampire.


The door to my suite cracked open.

Biting back a shriek, I bolted upright in bed.

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