Vampire Debt - Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers #2) - Kelly St. Clare Page 0,107

on the edge of the table, studying me. “I want to exchange blood with you again.”

My eyes flew to his and I peered out of the glass meeting room. We were alone, but not really. “Is this a conversation for here?”

“Considering I plan to call my father for permission if you say yes, I see no problem with the location.”

I had no objections against the fourth exchange. It’s what I’d wanted when I came back to Kyros Sky. In fact, I had more reason than ever to run toward it. I wanted to be lost—oblivious—for three days.

“An exchange will put you out of action for three days. Is the timing right?” I asked him.

My decision making would be impaired, but I could put things in order for seventy-two hours.

“Waiting until later could prove more disadvantageous for the clan,” he said. “That risk is not why I want to exchange blood with you again, but it is why I feel the need to do so without delay. You’re vulnerable to compulsion by others until we do.”

I whispered. “I can’t be compelled once we exchange blood again?”

That was extra appealing considering what nearly happened with his father.

The vampire inclined his head. “Only by me. Therefore you appeal less to those who may wish you harm. Though I have some stipulations. And one question.”

“Go on,” I said warily.

He studied me, one hand in his trouser pocket. “You’ll need to remain in the tower for the duration of the thrall.”

That was a given. “I’ll have my Vissimo crew for protection again.”

Kyros nodded. “It’s hard to gauge with the circumstances of the last exchanges, but I believe having you in my space where only my siblings can enter helped. Would you consider remaining in my quarters for the thrall?”

I considered that. “Yes, but I want to take some of my things up to your lair. Three days might drive me batty.” Battier than the thrall usually makes me.

“My sisters can visit, but no one else. Your Vissimo can guard you from the office below.”

Fine by me. The fewer people to witness my thrall, the better. “Anything else?”

“I’d like to call you during the thrall. Or at least try. I don’t know if it will make things better or worse, but not knowing how you are—if you’re safe—is the worst part.”

I tipped my head back. “What does the thrall feel like for you?”

“Like if I don’t get to you, lesser males will take you away and hurt you or convince you they’re a stronger mate. The need to see you and fuck you is nearly undeniable, but I feel capable of anything necessary to protect you. Invincible. Furious. And insatiable.”

Which is about what he looked like. “You get the raw end of the deal,” I admitted. “What was the question?”

Kyros hesitated. “Do you have any requests?”

“That’s your question?”


I thought about it. “I don’t want your siblings to play any pranks while I’m under the thrall. I’m vulnerable in that time, and so are you. I want them to respect that.”

“I’ll see it is done. Anything else?”

I knew the details of the exchange, but maybe I should ask more so his suspicions weren’t raised. “When you say my senses will change, what do you mean?”

Kyros leaned forward. I offered no resistance as he pulled me to my feet. Turning, he sat me on the glass desk. When my tight dress wouldn’t allow him to stand between my legs, I shimmied it high on my thighs to make space.

He didn’t hesitate to occupy it.

“Now we’re more comfortable, go on,” I said drily.

Amusement flickered within him. “Your sense of smell, vision, touch, taste, and hearing will improve. Multiple blood exchanges between Vissimo are rare these days. Between a human and Vissimo even less so. From what I’ve researched, you will feel off-balance for the first couple of weeks.”

I considered that. “How easy will the changes be to hide from my staff?”

“I’m unsure. There’s a chance you may have to remain here until you adjust.”

Mmm-hmm, and he didn’t hope for that at all.

“I’m sure I can fake vertigo,” I said sweetly.

A spark entered his gaze. “Do you agree to the exchange? If so, I’d like to enter the fourth thrall tomorrow after meetings.”

“One more exchange makes sense,” I answered. “But I won’t accept further compulsions on my mind.”

He searched my expression. “I’ll never do so without your permission. And that’s something I can uphold once we exchange blood again as the risk you pose to the clan will be obsolete.”

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