Valkyrie (Kate O'Hearn) - By Kate O'Hearn Page 0,87

gladly claim her for my own.’

Odin looked at Azrael in disbelief. ‘You would claim a Valkyrie?’

Azrael smiled lovingly on Freya. ‘I would gladly ask her to join us and be grateful if she did. You should be proud of her, Odin, not punish her.’

From beneath the earth, the roaring increased. The ground trembled and the street cracked further as the Midgard Serpent shot like an erupting volcano to the surface. It looked like a giant snake, but with long, sharp fangs and flaming red eyes. It loomed several storeys high as it pulled itself from its prison deep within the earth. Slithering through the streets, its long tail grazed a tall building. Within moments, the building collapsed to the ground in a demolished heap.

The Midgard Serpent roared in delight at its destructive freedom. Its red eyes blazed and its long fangs dripped acid on to the ground. It slid through the streets of Chicago, biting huge chunks out of buildings and devouring the military trucks like they were sweets.

‘Send him back, Odin,’ Azrael ordered. ‘There has been no crime committed here. The world has done nothing to deserve this punishment.’

‘Only Loki can command his child,’ Odin said.

Loki stepped forward. ‘And I won’t stop him until this place is in ruins.’

Freya pointed an accusing finger at Loki. ‘But it was Loki who helped me come here. He’s just as guilty as I am. He should be punished too.’

‘What?’ Odin demanded. ‘Explain yourself!’

‘Go on, Loki,’ she challenged. ‘Tell him, if you dare.’ She turned to Odin. ‘I would not have come here if it weren’t for him. He suggested I see the World of Man for myself. It was Loki who gave Heimdall the sleeping powder that allowed me to cross Bifröst. He said he always does that whenever he wants to come here.’

‘Loki?’ Odin repeated.

‘It is true,’ Azrael agreed. ‘Loki is the one who has betrayed you, not Freya or Maya.’

Odin’s face went red with rage as he faced Loki. ‘Explain yourself!’

‘They’re lying to you,’ Loki cried as he backed away. His eyes were wild and desperate. ‘You know I would never betray you.’ After several more steps, Loki transformed into a hawk and flew away.

Odin turned to Thor. ‘I will see to him later. Go get the Midgard Serpent. Without Loki here to stop him it’s up to you to drive him back to the pit! And don’t be too gentle.’

Thor nodded to his father. He raised his hammer and gleefully chased after the disappearing serpent. As everyone stood together, they could hear the roaring sound of destruction at the fight starting between the two.

‘They’ve always hated each other,’ Freya whispered to Archie. ‘I just hope there’s something left of Chicago when they are finished.’

‘Silence!’ Odin commanded. ‘Rise, Valkyrie.’

Freya climbed painfully to her feet. Archie stood at her side, holding her hand tightly while Orus remained loyally at her shoulder.

‘Azrael has pleaded for mercy on your behalf,’ Odin started. ‘I will grant that mercy. But you cannot go unpunished.’

Freya dropped her head. ‘I understand.’

‘I am stripping you of your powers,’ Odin continued. ‘They will not be returned until you can prove to me that you have earned your place among the Valkyries. From this moment forward, you and your human companion will work in the stables of the Reaping Mares. You will be servants to the Valkyries, but not hold any of their privileges. You are banned from Valhalla and will not be welcome at any of the reapings or celebrations. Until further notice, you are nothing more than a simple citizen of Asgard.’

He turned back to the Dark Searcher holding Maya. ‘You have served me well, Searcher. Release her, your duty is finished. You may return to your home.’

The Dark Searcher released Maya and Grul. Her mother and sisters flew instantly to Maya’s side to support her.

Odin then faced Azrael. ‘Your words hold power. Perhaps it is time we considered working together and not against each other. Will you release my Searcher?’

Azrael bowed. ‘As you wish, Odin. Release him,’ he called to his angels.

The angels encircling the Dark Searcher nodded their heads and separated. Opening their wings, they took to the sky and disappeared.

‘You are also excused,’ Odin called to the Searcher.

The dark creature growled at Freya and Archie and raised a threatening hand. Then he opened his massive wings and took off.

‘It is time we left this place to the humans and returned to Asgard,’ Odin continued. He walked back to Sylt and caught her by the reins. Copyright 2016 - 2024