Valkyrie (Kate O'Hearn) - By Kate O'Hearn Page 0,76

who were those boys who came around earlier, looking for you? What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?’

Her slurred words reminded Freya of the warriors at Valhalla who had consumed too much mead.

‘I’m sorry, Mom,’ Archie said. ‘I was out with friends. There was a party . . .’

‘You don’t have any friends,’ the woman spat.

Before Maya could stop her, Freya charged into the living room and faced the woman. Her hair was just like Archie’s in colour, but greasy and matted. Her eyes were red rimmed but unmistakably the same as Archie’s.

‘Archie has plenty of friends!’ Freya cried. ‘And if anyone here is a loser, it is you. What kind of mother leaves her son alone for weeks at a time? You should be ashamed of yourself!’

‘Gee, please,’ Archie begged.

Freya looked into his pleading eyes. All traces of fun and happiness faded beneath the cruel gaze of his mother.

‘Who are you?’ she commanded. ‘What are you doing in my house?’

Freya could feel waves of anguish coming from Archie. He gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head, begging her not to say more.

‘I’m Greta, a friend of Archie. He has been teaching me about Math. He is very good at it, not that you’re ever sober enough to realize!’

‘Why, you foul little cat, how dare you speak to me like that!’

She charged forward. As she came closer, Freya could smell the drink and filth on her. The woman raised her hand as if to slap Freya’s face, but Freya caught hold of her wrist and bent it back.

As his mother cried in pain, Archie ran forward. ‘Gee, no, please stop. Please, that’s my mom!’

Freya’s eyes landed on Archie. ‘This is no mother. You deserve so much better.’

Drunk and unstable, the woman’s knees gave out and she crumpled to the floor. Freya released her wrist. ‘You have no idea who your son is, or how precious his life is to all of us. All you think about is yourself!’

‘Get out,’ Archie’s mother wailed. ‘Get out of my house and leave us alone!’

‘Freya, we’d better go,’ Orus said gently. ‘You aren’t helping Archie. Look at him – she is destroying him. Please, leave him what little dignity he has left.’

Freya took a deep breath. ‘You’re right,’ she said softly to the bird. ‘We can come back for our things later.’

She led Archie and back to the front door. ‘We’ll go over to Tamika’s for tonight. Why don’t you come with us?’

Archie was on the verge of tears. He wouldn’t meet her eyes. ‘I’m so sorry, Gee, but I can’t.’ He sighed heavily. ‘She’s still my mother. I have to take care of her.’

Freya ached to tell him that it should be his mother taking care of him. Instead she smiled. ‘I understand. I’m just worried about you.’

He shrugged in resignation. ‘I’m used to it. But did you hear what she said? Some boys came around looking for us. Do you think it could be JP again?’

‘No,’ Maya said knowingly. ‘I’m sure we’ve seen the last of him. It’s probably nothing.’

‘Wait,’ Archie cried. ‘What about Sylt? She won’t be able to go out flying tonight.’

‘She’ll be all right for one night.’ Freya leaned closer. ‘Just try to keep your mother out of the garage. I don’t know what Sylt will do if she goes in and starts screaming.’

‘She never goes in there,’ he said shakily. ‘She’ll just eat and probably start drinking again. Then she’ll lock herself in her room.’

Freya reached out and caught Archie by the hand. ‘We’ll be at Tamika’s house. If you need anything, just call and I’ll fly right over here.’

He nodded but said nothing as he turned back to the door. ‘Night, Gee and Orus. Night, Mia.’

‘Good night, Archie,’ Maya said gently.

The two Valkyries started the long walk back to Tamika’s new neighbourhood.

‘Maybe it’s not such a bad thing the angel is coming for him soon.’ Maya tried to comfort her sister.

Freya looked back at the house where she had shared so much happiness with Archie. ‘I guess so,’ she agreed softly.

Before they reached Tamika’s new house, Freya stopped and turned round. ‘I’ve got to go back. I can’t let that woman hurt him.’

Maya caught her arm. ‘You can’t. This is his life.’

‘But he’s only got a couple of days left. I won’t let her ruin them for him.’

‘Freya, stop,’ Maya said. ‘I understand how you feel, but we are only visitors here. We mustn’t get involved.’

Freya sighed heavily. ‘I know, but . Copyright 2016 - 2024