Valkyrie (Kate O'Hearn) - By Kate O'Hearn Page 0,67

him through the Gates of Ascension and I’ll lose him forever.’

Maya pulled off her Valkyrie helmet. ‘Freya, you’re going to lose him anyway! If Odin sends a Dark Searcher after you, you will lose everything. So will I. I begged Heimdall to let me cross Bifröst again. He’ll get into trouble as well.’

Freya removed her own helmet. ‘I’m sorry, Maya. Go back to Asgard. I don’t want you to get into trouble for me. Tell Odin what I’m doing. Tell him I promise I’ll come as soon as I know Archie is safe.’

‘You are insane!’ Maya cried. ‘I can’t tell Odin that!’

‘I don’t care what you tell him,’ Freya continued. ‘I’m not leaving Archie!’

‘But he’s just a human!’ Maya exclaimed. ‘You hate humans! Why would you risk yourself for one?’

‘Valkyries,’ warned the angel at the door. ‘I believe you should cover yourselves again. The doctor is coming!’

But it was too late. Freya and Maya watched Dr Taylor enter the Intensive Care unit. His eyes landed on them by Archie’s bed. ‘You there,’ he called in surprise. ‘What are you doing in here? It’s late – visiting hours are long over.’

Maya stepped forward and gave the doctor her most devastating smile. The surgeon stopped in his tracks and stared at her with his mouth open.

‘Wait here,’ Maya told Freya. ‘I’ll take care of him.’

‘No!’ Freya wailed. ‘Don’t reap him. He’s trying to save Archie!’

‘I’m not going to,’ Maya said. ‘Would you please trust me?’

She approached the surgeon and placed her hand on his covered shoulder. ‘What’s your name?’

‘Peter,’ he stammered. ‘Peter Taylor.’

‘Well, Peter, I need to speak with my sister,’ she said softly. ‘Would you please check on your other patients and leave us be for just a little while?’

‘I – I . . .’ Dr Taylor muttered.

‘Please . . .’ Maya said coyly, giggling softly. ‘I promise we won’t be long.’

Freya watched her sister use her beauty like a weapon against the unsuspecting surgeon. His eyes grew huge and his face turned bright red. He didn’t stand a chance against her. Maya’s ability to charm was renowned in Asgard. No human could resist her.

‘Of course,’ the surgeon finally said. ‘Take all the time you need.’ He drifted out of the Intensive Care unit as if in a dream.

The Angel of Death took several steps into the room. ‘That really wasn’t very nice of you, Valkyrie. He will come out of your spell very confused. Peter Taylor is a truly gifted surgeon. It won’t be good for him or his patients if he starts to question himself.’

‘It’s better than me reaping him,’ Maya retorted. She turned back to Freya. ‘Now, can we go?’

The Angel of Death took several more steps closer.

‘Stop!’ Freya said, blocking his way. ‘I told you, you’re not taking him.’

‘It is his time to die,’ the angel said softly. ‘It grieves me that his passing will cause you pain, but it is unavoidable.’

‘And I say he is going to live,’ Freya insisted. ‘Angel, you have so many others you must take. Go to them. Let me have Archie for a while longer.’

‘I am sorry, Valkyrie,’ the angel said softly. ‘This is not my decision. I do only what I must.’

The angel took one more step closer and looked to Maya. ‘Would you please tell your sister that there are times when we must all do things we don’t want to?’

Maya reached for Freya’s hands. ‘I know how much you care for Archie, but you must let the angel do his job.’ She paused. ‘Look at him. He is suffering. The longer he lives, the more he will suffer. He wouldn’t want this half-existence between life and death while you and the angel fight over him. There is no recovery for him and you know it. Let Archie go.’

‘No,’ Freya cried. ‘Please,’ she begged the angel. ‘Please just give us more time together.’

‘Freya, you can’t stay,’ Maya insisted. ‘Odin is going to send the Dark Searcher after us.’

The angel inhaled sharply. ‘A Searcher is coming for you?’

Maya nodded. ‘If my sister does not return to Asgard with me right now, Odin will send him after both of us.’

‘Child, listen to me,’ the angel said. ‘I have seen what the Searchers do to those they’ve been sent to find. They will destroy you. Please, do as your sister asks. Save yourself and return to Asgard. Your loyalty to your friend is admirable, but it will get you killed.’

Freya was desperate. ‘One week, that’s all I’m asking for. Please, just give Copyright 2016 - 2024