Valkyrie (Kate O'Hearn) - By Kate O'Hearn Page 0,61

chased them for half a block! It was their turn to be afraid. It was so awesome!’

Kevin was the most changed of all her students. He now had confidence and was using his academic skills to tutor the others with their subjects.

‘We should go out and celebrate!’ Leo Max said. ‘Everyone come to my house; we can order pizza!’

Freya smiled but shook her head. ‘You all go. My back hurts. I want to go home and rest.’

‘Me too,’ Archie said.

Freya, Tamika and Archie watched the members of the Geek Squad walking proudly down the school hall, sharing in their victory.


Back in Asgard, Maya had only been in bed for a short time when loud, angry voices disturbed her rest. She sat up when she realized who it was.

‘Is that—’ Grul asked sleepily from his perch.

‘Odin!’ Maya cried. She leaped from her bed and reached for her robe.

Maya entered the living area and saw her mother and three sisters standing before the leader of Asgard. Her mother was wearing her light robe and her long braids hung down to the floor. She was wringing her hands and trembling.

Her sisters were still dressed in their gowns and looked as though they had only just arrived from Valhalla.

Odin’s face was stormy as he stood before them. Loki was standing right beside him with a self-satisfied smile on his thin lips.

The moment Maya laid eyes on him she knew he was causing trouble.

‘Where is she?’ Odin demanded. ‘I do not like to be disturbed during my sleep with news of a runaway.’

‘Freya has not run away,’ her mother cried. She caught sight of Maya and ran to her. ‘Maya, would you please fetch Freya. Loki insists she has fled Asgard.’

Maya shot a threatening look at Loki.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. Then he smiled slyly back at her and his dark eyes sparkled. He seemed to realize that she knew what was going on – and that she wasn’t going to say anything. Finally he directed his attention to her mother.

‘You are wrong, dear lady. Earlier this evening I saw her and Orus flying across Bifröst with my very own eyes.’

‘That is impossible,’ Odin said. ‘Heimdall would never allow it.’

‘Yes, well, Odin, I do hate to tell you this,’ Loki said snidely, ‘but Heimdall isn’t as reliable as you think he is. I often catch him sleeping on duty. Why, this very night I found him lying on the ground and snoring like thunder. He threatened me when I told him you would be angry.’

‘That’s a lie,’ Maya shot. ‘Heimdall would never do that. He is loyal to Odin and his duties!’

Loki gave Maya another teasing smile. ‘Anyone who is content to spend an eternity watching a bridge can’t be trusted. How do we know that he won’t allow the frost giants to cross into Asgard to destroy us all? He barely speaks to anyone. Who knows what he’s thinking or what plots he’s hatching?’

Just as Odin opened his mouth to defend Heimdall, Loki continued, ‘But if you insist Freya is here, show her to us and we can end this.’

‘If you are so frightened of frost giants, what does that say about your very own wife, who happens to be a frost giantess?’ Maya countered. ‘Are you suggesting that we can’t trust her and that she shouldn’t be welcomed in Asgard?’

‘You leave my wife out of this, Valkyrie,’ Loki shot as his dark brows knitted together in a threat.

‘Enough!’ Odin shouted. ‘I will not have this bickering.’

‘Great Odin,’ Maya pressed, ‘are you going to let Loki disturb your rest and lead you around like a mule? He is causing trouble and you know it!’

A shadow crossed Odin’s face. ‘I do not like your tone, child. Loki told me he saw your sister cross Bifröst without leave. I have no cause to doubt him.’

‘But this is Loki!’ Maya insisted. ‘You know how he likes to cause trouble. He’s only doing this to discredit Mother.’

‘Maya . . .’ her mother warned.

Maya was desperate to save her little sister and would do anything she could to convince Odin of Loki’s treachery.

‘Look what he did to your own son,’ she pressed. ‘Everyone knows it was Loki who gave Thor’s hammer to the frost giants. Then he convinced Thor to dress as a woman and pretend to be the new bride of their leader to get it back. Thor was humiliated and it nearly started another war with them!’

‘Maya, stop!’ her mother cried, as her pale cheeks Copyright 2016 - 2024