Valkyrie (Kate O'Hearn) - By Kate O'Hearn Page 0,57

want to do it. Those jewels meant nothing to me, but they will protect you, and that means everything.’

‘But it’s too generous,’ the old woman said. ‘You are giving me all your money.’

‘Not all,’ Carol cut in. ‘Just a fraction of it. Greta is very wealthy.’

There was a sharp intake of breath from everyone in the room.

‘Gee,’ Archie cried. ‘You’re rich!’

Freya shrugged. ‘I don’t want the money. Split it up between Alma and Tamika, Archie and you and Curtis.’

‘Angel, you can’t do that,’ Alma said.

‘You all need it more than me,’ Freya insisted. ‘Alma, you can pay for Tamika’s and Uniik’s education.’ Her eyes settled on Archie. ‘And you can open your own hair salon and maybe learn to cook more than macaroni and cheese.’

‘You’re giving it all away?’ Carol asked. ‘Why?’

‘Because we don’t use human money in Asgard; it has no value there.’

Curtis rose and approached Freya. ‘Are you sure about this? It’s a lot of money.’

‘Absolutely.’ Freya focused on Alma again. ‘But I would be grateful if we could use a bit of it to buy some fabric. I need some more clothes for school. Would you help me?’

The old woman rose painfully to her feet. ‘Angel, I have been waiting to hear you say those words! I would love to make you more clothes.’

‘I know exactly what you’re doing, Angel.’ Alma looked at Freya as she helped the old woman prepare dinner.

‘What?’ Freya asked as she chopped vegetables.

‘I know, and I am truly grateful.’

Putting down the knife, Freya looked at the old woman. ‘I really don’t understand.’

‘Yes, you do. The moment you found out I had cancer, you were thinking of Curtis and his wife for Tamika and Uniik.’

‘You’re busted!’ Orus laughed, using his new favourite expression from television.

Freya sighed and pulled out a chair for Alma to sit. ‘I promised your son I would see his girls protected. He didn’t know what the danger was at the time, but his family was all he thought about. And I know how much you’ve been worrying about them.’

Alma shook her head. ‘The thought of my two girls in care is more than I can bear.’

‘Tamika is just as frightened,’ Freya said. ‘She knows you are very ill. Though she doesn’t say anything, she is terrified for Uniik. She thinks they will be separated.’

‘So you thought of Curtis Banks.’

‘Not at first,’ Freya admitted. ‘But from the moment I met him, I knew he was a good man. It was only when I saw him the second time that I put it all together. He and his wife have no children, but desperately want them. Tamika and Uniik have no parents and you are ill. It seems the perfect match.’

The old woman chuckled. ‘I may not be an angel with the power to know people’s hearts, but I have lived a very long time and met a lot of people. The Bankses are good folk and would care for my girls.’

Freya tilted her head to the side and smiled. ‘There isn’t an Angel of Death beside you just yet. Take the time you have left to get to know Curtis and Carol better.’

‘I don’t have to – I already know,’ the old woman said. ‘But I will take this time before I go to let Tamika get to know them.’

After dinner, Archie could barely contain his excitement. He practically skipped along the pavement.

‘Are you that happy about the money?’

Archie shook his head. ‘Nope. Tonight you said you’d let me ride your winged horse. I can’t wait!’

Freya laughed. ‘Then let’s get home and we can go.’

Sylt had been made comfortable in the garage. But she nickered excitedly when Freya approached her.

‘Are you ready to fly?’ she asked the mare. She looked at Archie and saw his eyes were wide and filled with anticipation.

‘All right, Archie, I want you to start stroking her neck and then move down to her wings. Sylt has never been ridden by a living human before. She may be a bit nervous. But if you reassure her, I’m sure she’ll be fine.’

Archie did everything he was told to do. Before long, Sylt opened her wings and invited him up on her back. Freya helped hoist him up.

Archie offered his hand. ‘Are you coming up too?’

Freya shook her head. ‘I’ve got my own wings that I need to stretch. Besides, I can’t risk my hair or something else touching you. But I’ll be right beside you all the way.’

‘Me too!’ Orus added.

They took off from the back yard.

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