Valkyrie (Kate O'Hearn) - By Kate O'Hearn Page 0,54

it up!’

‘This is a disaster,’ Maya said. ‘We must get it back.’

‘You can’t,’ Archie added. ‘Not if the police have it. Besides, after tonight there’s no telling what will happen to it. Especially if they realize it caused the officer to collapse.’

Maya rose from the table and reached for Freya. ‘If there is nothing we can do to retrieve the feather, then our only recourse is to get away from here as quickly as possible. Come, we’ll fly back to Asgard and hope nothing further happens with it.’

Freya remained seated. ‘I’m not going back,’ she said. ‘At least, not yet.’

‘What? Of course you are. Now, say goodbye to the human and let’s go.’

‘I have a name,’ Archie challenged. ‘It’s Archie, not Human. And if Gee doesn’t want to go, she doesn’t have to.’

Maya stepped closer and loomed above him. Her white wings opened in threat. ‘This is not your concern, huma— Archie. My sister does not belong here.’

Archie rose and stood before the tall Valkyrie. ‘What are you going to do about it? Touch me? Kill me?’ He offered his bare hand to her. ‘Go ahead! I don’t have much of a life here anyway. And I’d love to see what excuse you give Odin for me showing up in Asgard!’

‘Archie!’ Freya warned.

Maya’s mouth hung open in shock. She looked to Freya and then back to Archie. Finally she burst out laughing. ‘Very good,’ she said softly. ‘You have spirit. I like that. But whether you like it or not, my sister will return with me.’

Once again, Freya shook her head. ‘I will return to Asgard. But only after I have finished what I came here for. Tamika’s family is still in danger. Archie and the Geek Squad still need to learn how to defend themselves. And . . .’

Maya frowned. ‘And . . . ?’

‘Tell her,’ Orus cawed.

‘Tell me what?’ Maya demanded.

Freya sighed. ‘And we all want to go to the school dance together.’

‘What?’ Maya sat down again in complete shock. ‘I can almost understand your desire to protect Archie and the others. But I can’t believe you are risking everything to attend a school dance!’

‘It matters,’ Freya said. ‘I really want to go. For the first time in my life, I am meeting people my own age. I like them and they like me. What’s wrong with that?’

‘Because they’re not your age,’ Maya insisted.

‘You know what I mean,’ Freya argued. ‘Anyway, I have things to finish before I go back. Nothing you say or do will change that.’

‘Fine,’ Maya said, rising. ‘I can’t force you to return. But I will tell you this. In the morning we are going on a reaping. If you are not there, Odin will notice. He will ask questions. I will do what I can to distract him. But eventually he will realize what has happened. Then there will be no stopping him. Promise me you will be back before then.’

Archie looked out the window. ‘But it’s dawn already.’

Maya shook her head tiredly. ‘Dawn in Asgard, not here.’

‘I will,’ Freya promised. ‘The dance isn’t that far off. Then I will come back and no one need ever know I’ve gone.’

‘It is too late for that,’ Maya said. ‘I know, Heimdall knows and, worst of all, Loki knows. He is the one you must worry about.’

‘But Loki helped me get away. If he tells anyone, he’ll be placing himself in danger.’

‘When has that ever stopped Loki?’ Maya asked.

Before she left, Maya warned Freya not to use her winged helmet again. Every time she wore it, Odin and the others in Asgard would be able to tell where she was.

With that agreed, Maya put on her own helmet. After one final plea to get Freya to join her, she sadly shook her head and left.

When she was gone, Archie approached Freya. ‘What did Mia mean when she said there would be no stopping Odin? Stopping him from what?’

Freya hesitated.

‘Tell him,’ Orus said.

Freya inhaled deeply. ‘Odin is very strict. I told you we aren’t allowed to leave Asgard without permission. If Odin finds out that I’ve gone, he’ll send a Dark Searcher after me and then he’ll release the Midgard Serpent on Earth.’

Archie’s mouth hung open. ‘Midgard Serpent? That sounds bad . . .’

Freya took a seat and invited Archie to sit.

‘The last time a Valkyrie left Asgard without permission, Odin was furious. He sent out this large, dark creature to capture her. I’ve never seen one, but I’ve heard they are horrors beyond imagination. When Copyright 2016 - 2024