Valkyrie (Kate O'Hearn) - By Kate O'Hearn Page 0,50

something to wrap around the wound. But there was nothing. She reached under her coat and tore off her blouse, exposing her silver breastplate. She ripped it into pieces and covered the bullet hole, applying pressure.

The woman officer squinted at Freya. ‘Are you wearing body armour?’

Freya nodded. ‘It keeps me safe.’ She looked up and saw that another Angel of Death had landed. She was walking closer to them. There was a confused expression on her face when she spotted Freya crouching over the fallen officer.

Freya held up her hand. ‘Stop! I am sorry, Angel, but this woman will not die. You have wasted your journey.’

‘Valkyrie, you cannot do this,’ the angel said softly. ‘It is her time. I must take her.’

Freya shook her head. ‘I was too late for that man, but not her. Please tell Azrael that I have claimed this human for myself and say that she will live.’

‘Who are you talking to?’ the policewoman asked fearfully. ‘You said Azrael. I know that name. He’s the Angel of Death.’

‘Not quite,’ Freya corrected, turning back to the officer. ‘He’s the top Angel of Death, but there are others who serve him. Now, just stay calm. She will not take you tonight.’

‘You must not get involved,’ the angel said, stepping closer. ‘I am here for this woman. I must take her.’

Freya looked back at the angel. ‘She is young, with her whole life ahead of her. Give her that life. We both know she’s a good woman. This world needs more people like her. If you must claim a life, go into that building and take them.’

‘You know we do not touch their kind.’ The angel spat in disgust.

‘What’s happening?’ The officer’s voice was tight with fear. ‘There’s someone here – I can feel them.’

‘Calm yourself. Here, touch my arm,’ Freya offered her arm. ‘Then you can see her.’

The young officer touched Freya’s covered arm. She gasped in wonder at the sight of the Angel of Death standing close by.

‘She’s so beautiful,’ the officer said, calming. Tears of joy rushed to her eyes.

‘Do not be afraid, my child,’ the angel said directly to the officer. ‘I am here to bring you home.’

Freya shook her head. ‘No, you’re not. She’s going to live.’

‘This is not right, Valkyrie,’ the angel said. ‘You can’t be here. There will be consequences. Azrael—’

‘I know,’ Freya finished. ‘Azrael will be furious with me. But I will take that chance. I outrank you. Just leave this woman be and return home.’

The angel nodded and bowed. ‘So be it.’ She opened her wings and flew away.

‘Where’s she going?’ The officer sounded disappointed.

‘Back where she belongs. This is not your moment to die.’

The officer’s eyes focused on Freya. ‘Who are you?’

‘I’m someone who is tired of all the killing humans do.’

An agonized cry filled the air. Freya looked up and saw another officer fall to the ground. She looked behind him and didn’t see any angels. He would survive his wounds.

She peered up into the building. The men inside were moving – she sensed they were planning to bring the battle to the street. If they succeeded, it was unlikely the officers would survive.

‘Listen to me,’ Freya said quickly. ‘Those drug dealers are intending to come out here and kill everyone. I can’t let that happen. Please keep pressure on your wound and don’t move. Although the Angel of Death is gone, it won’t take much to bring her back.’

Freya rose, but the woman caught her arm. ‘No! Please don’t go. I don’t know who you are or where you came from, but that armour of yours won’t protect you. Please, stay with me. Others are on their way.’

Freya removed the officer’s hand. ‘By the time they get here, it will be too late. Stay here and live. I argued for your life tonight. From now on, please do all the good you possibly can.’

‘I – I don’t understand any of this,’ the officer said.

‘You don’t have to.’ Freya rose and reached for her sword. ‘Just live a good life.’

She darted across the street towards the building. Bullets continued to fly and she heard a ping as one cut through her coat and hit her breastplate. They were being fired from within the building.

Once inside, she opened her senses fully. She instantly felt three men descending the stairs from the upper floor where more men were firing down at the officers. Feeling too constricted, Freya shrugged off her coat and freed her wings.

She lifted her sword and charged Copyright 2016 - 2024