Valkyrie (Kate O'Hearn) - By Kate O'Hearn Page 0,17

there were some very young fighters. But war had changed them. They were as brutal as the adults.

‘Look at them!’ she called excitedly to Orus. ‘Can’t you feel their joy? Their love of life?’

Orus flew closer. ‘I feel trouble brewing. We are on a mission to save Tyrone’s family, that’s all. You can’t go down there to meet them. One look at you and they will run away screaming. You are a Valkyrie – a reaper of souls. You don’t belong in the World of Man. Especially near their children. You are a child of war. That must be your playground. Not here and not now.’

Freya was about to protest when frightened screams reached her ears. She could feel terror like hot breath on her face. She changed direction in the sky and followed the frightened sounds.

‘Freya – no!’ Orus called, following her.

Her keen eyes caught sight of a boy running as if his life depended on it. He was passing through back yards and climbing over fences, trying to get away from the boys chasing him. She could almost hear his heart pounding ferociously in his chest. But like deadly predators his pursuers seemed to know where he was going. They split into two groups, each taking a different direction.

From her vantage point in the sky, Freya could see the boy was heading into a trap with no escape.

‘Freya, leave them to their business,’ Orus said trying to draw her away. ‘Come, we must find Tyrone’s family.’

‘No, I want to see.’

‘Why? They are just playing. They won’t hurt him.’

Freya flew closer and gazed down on the boy’s pursuers. They weren’t playing. This was very real. When they caught the boy, they intended to hurt him.

From high above, Freya watched the trap snap shut. The boy’s tormentors charged at him from two directions behind a house. He was cornered. His cries rose up to her as a large boy shoved him against a fence and punched him in the stomach. He collapsed to the ground and rolled into a ball, begging to be left alone.

‘Orus, look – it is six against one. It’s not fair.’

‘That’s their way. We must not get involved.’

Freya looked over at the raven. ‘Maya is always saying people aren’t bad. That I should get to know them so I can understand them. Well, I don’t understand how six can go after one or why they want to hurt him. What’s happening down there isn’t right.’

Tilting her wings, Freya started to descend.

‘Freya, we can’t get involved! Please listen to me.’

Deaf to the raven’s pleas, Freya landed in the yard behind the group of boys. With her helmet still in place, she knew they couldn’t see her. She stepped closer, careful not to let even a feather graze against any of their exposed skin.

‘C’mon, Daisy, put up a fight!’ cried the largest of the boys as he kicked his prey.

Their victim lay on the ground in a tight ball. ‘Leave me alone!’

‘Ah – is Daisy crying?’ called the bully. He pulled back his foot and gave the boy another brutal kick in the back. Then he looked at the others. ‘Pick him up. Let’s show him what we think of him.’

Several gang members rushed forward and dragged the boy to his feet. They pinned back his arms and laughed as they offered him to their leader. Blood was running from the boy’s nose and a large, angry bruise was already forming on his cheek and eye.

Freya’s temper flared. The sight of blood and the fear from their victim was exciting the attackers further. She could feel their heated anticipation at the beating about to come.

‘No more!’ Freya roared. Charging forward she lifted her booted foot and with great rapidity kicked the bullies away from the boy, careful not to touch anyone with her bare hands.

A calm Valkyrie is strong. An enraged Valkyrie is almost unstoppable.

Screams filled the air as she kicked them across the yard. They huddled together like frightened sheep as they desperately searched for their unseen assailant. Finding nothing, they fled in terror, leaving their leader to face the invisible monster alone.

His eyes were filled with hatred and rage. He was much bigger than the others and stood almost a head taller than Freya. Just like the man on the roof, Freya sensed a childhood filled with violence and anger.

He was backed up to the fence, his wild eyes searching the area. He snatched his victim up before him to use as a shield against her. Copyright 2016 - 2024