Valkyrie (Kate O'Hearn) - By Kate O'Hearn Page 0,13

see what Earth is really like and I promised Tyrone. I won’t break my promise.’

‘Foolish child,’ Orus said. ‘If you insist on this insane course, I am coming with you. You need me to keep you safe.’

Freya smiled over at her raven. Despite what her sisters and mother said, Orus was the best companion she could ask for.

After circling the area, they landed several metres from the place they were to meet Loki. As Orus settled on her shoulder, Freya started to look around. Every nerve in her body was alive, every sound of the night added to the sense of mystery and adventure.

‘Loki?’ Freya called softly.

‘Hush . . .’ a voice from the bushes scolded. ‘Do you want everyone in Asgard to hear you?’

Freya thought she had powerful senses. But she and Orus had walked right past Loki’s hiding place with no idea he was there. It was said that stealth was one of his many special talents and it was true. ‘Are you ready to go?’ he asked as he stepped free of the bushes and approached her.

Freya nodded.

‘Your mother and sisters?’

‘They’re dancing at Valhalla with the warriors. They won’t be home until late.’

‘Good. Now, I have a powerful sleeping powder that will stun Heimdall for no more than a moment. You must use that time to fly past him. Don’t look back and don’t hesitate. Just fly as fast as you can across the bridge.’

‘You won’t hurt him?’

Loki looked shocked. ‘Are you mad? Thor couldn’t hurt that thick-skulled rock with his hammer! Trust me, I have used this powder many times on him to get across Bifröst. He won’t feel a thing and will have no memory of anything. But you must be quick. The effects don’t last long.’

‘What do I do?’ Freya asked.

Orus whispered in her ear, ‘Forget this crazy idea and go home!’

Swatting the raven, Freya concentrated on Loki. ‘How will I know when to fly?’

‘Get into the air, and soar above us. With those black wings of yours, it’s next to impossible to see you in the sky. Watch for my signal. The moment I drop my arm, you soar past Heimdall and straight on to the bridge. Is that clear?’

Freya nodded as knots tied her stomach. ‘How can I ever thank you?’

‘You don’t have to,’ Loki said. ‘Just go and find happiness. That’s all that matters.’

On her shoulder, Orus made a gagging sound. ‘Oh, I think I’m going to be sick!’

‘Orus, stop!’ Freya said. She looked sheepishly at Loki. ‘I’m sorry. He thinks this is some kind of trick so you can discredit my mother.’

Loki looked innocently at the bird. ‘Once again, you wound me. I want only the best for young Freya.’

Orus cawed in anger. ‘What you want is a higher ranking with Odin by removing her mother from his favour. Freya may be blind to your tricks, Loki, but I am not. You will not succeed. I will protect her.’

Loki threw up his arms and turned to leave. ‘Fine. Let’s forget it. Go back to Valhalla and watch the warriors get drunk. I don’t care.’

‘Loki, no, please don’t go!’ Freya ran to catch up with him. ‘Orus doesn’t trust you, but I do. Please, help me get across Bifröst. My soldier’s family is in danger. I must help them.’

Loki paused and turned. ‘I do this for you, Freya, not Orus. If you still wish to go to Earth, I will help you.’ He gave a threatening glare at Orus.

‘Yes,’ Freya said. ‘I want to go.’

‘All right, I can be generous. Take to the sky and keep your eyes on me. The moment I raise and drop my arm, you fly at Bifröst as fast as your wings will carry you.’

Freya nodded. Before Orus could say more to endanger her mission, she opened her wings and jumped up into the sky. Gaining height, she soared in a tight circle, never taking her eyes off Loki.

On the ground, Loki trotted over to the Rainbow Bridge. Heimdall was at his usual position as guard. Freya often wondered what kind of life it was for the poor, lonely Watchman. He rarely slept and never left his post. But, like the others of Asgard, he served only Odin.

Heimdall’s posture changed when Loki approached. No one in Asgard trusted him and always raised their guard when he was near. In fact, very few people even liked Loki. It was only Odin’s generosity that allowed him to remain.

From her position in the sky, Freya could see that one Copyright 2016 - 2024