The Valet Who Loved Me - Valerie Bowman Page 0,3

an older daughter making her debut.”

“That’s where the right circumstances come in,” Beau replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

Worth scratched at his chin and smiled an even wider smile. “By God, I think you’re onto something.”

Excellent. If Worth saw the merit of his plan, Beau stood a greater chance of convincing the other two.

“I refuse to wear a mask if that’s what you’re thinking. That’s positively medieval,” Kendall said, shaking his head.

“Not a mask,” Beau replied, settling back in his chair and plucking at his lower lip. Ah, plotting something was such fun.

“Or a costume, either,” Kendall continued, pushing his mug farther away.

“Not a costume…precisely.” Beau exchanged a wolfish grin with Worth.

“By God, I’m going to have the best time watching this.” Worth nodded.

“Watching what?” Clayton’s nose was scrunched. The viscount obviously hadn’t caught on yet. “I don’t know what in the devil either of you is talking about any longer.”

“I’m talking about Kendall here pretending to be a servant,” Beau replied, the grin still on his face.

Kendall blinked. “A servant?”

“Yes. It’s perfect,” Worth added, nodding.

Kendall turned and stared at the duke as if he’d lost his mind. “Perfect? Me? Being a servant? How is that perfect?”

“That still doesn’t fix the problem of the ladies’ mothers recognizing him. Even if he’s dressed as a servant,” Clayton pointed out.

“Ah, but it does,” Beau replied. He’d been waiting for this particular argument and was already prepared with his defense. “That’s the beauty of it. Most people don’t look at servants. They don’t pay attention to the majority of things beyond what they need and want. My training as a spy has taught me much about the human failure to notice details. I’d be willing to bet that not one of those ladies of the ton will look twice at Kendall if he’s dressed as a servant and performing servants’ duties. He’ll be wearing livery, knee breeches, and a powdered wig, after all.”

“And it has the added advantage that a servant will be in a particularly excellent position to discover how a lady truly behaves.” Worth brushed his long dark hair off his forehead with his fingers. “I’d wager she’s at her best when addressing a potential bridegroom and at her worst when addressing a servant. God knows, I’ve seen it time and again from my mother.”

“You’re both truly mad, you know that?” Kendall replied.

“I dunno.” Clayton tugged at his cravat. “But it sounds like quite a lark to me. I’m perfectly willing to offer my upcoming house party as a venue for such an experiment.”

Excellent. This was one of the advantages of his friends drinking. Ideas that might normally sound ludicrous were much easier to convince them of.

“You’ve gone mad too, then,” Kendall replied to Clayton.

“Think about it,” Beau said, turning his attention to Kendall, who still obviously required a bit more convincing. “It has the potential to give you precisely what you want. An unencumbered look at the latest crop of debutantes behaving precisely how they would when they don’t know you are watching.”

Kendall narrowed his eyes on Beau. “It’s positively alarming that you don’t see the problem with this plan.”

Beau shrugged. The more nonchalant he appeared, the better. “What problem? The risk is not too great. If anyone recognizes you, we’ll simply ask that person to play along. No doubt they’ll enjoy the game too.”

“What if I find a lady I fancy?” Kendall replied. “Am I supposed to simply rip off my livery and declare myself an earl and expect she’ll fall madly in love with me?”

“Not at all,” Beau said. “I’m merely suggesting that you get to know these young ladies on the basis of how they treat servants. I’ve no doubt the best-natured ones will be kind and pleasant. Once you have a few candidates, you will know who to court next Season.”

Kendall shook his head slowly. He pulled his mug back toward his chest. Perhaps he’d decided to drink a bit more after all. “You’re suggesting that I choose a future bride on the basis of how she treats a footman?”

Beau’s brow shot up. Enunciating each word slowly for emphasis, he asked, “How did Lady Emily treat servants?”

“I see by the look on your face that you recognize my point,” Beau drawled as Kendall clenched his jaw.

Beau could tell he was winning the argument. Kendall’s face took on a thoughtful look and he bit his lip as if weighing the possibilities. It was time to introduce the most ludicrous of notions.

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