Upside Down (Breaking the Rules #3) - A.M. Madden Page 0,98

that he was indeed home on a Wednesday, I asked, “Why are you home? Are you sick?”

“No.” He strode into his kitchen without elaborating. He definitely took his time getting us each a drink, and I had settled on his big squishy couch by the time he appeared. Handing me a glass of amber liquid, he said, “Iced tea.”

“Thanks.” As he took the chair furthest from my physicality, I prodded, “So why weren’t you at work earlier?” The discomfort swirling around us was palpable. “Cooper? What’s going on?”

“I handed in my resignation a week ago. They thought it best to replace me before the semester started, so I’ve been home.”

“What? Why?”

Complete disbelief spread across his face. “Why? Because I worried you were pulling away, and although I wanted you to speak the fuck up as to what you wanted happening between us, I came to the conclusion losing you over something you may not be able to give me wasn’t worth being stubborn for.”

It was my turn to stare at him, stunned stupid. “You thought you were losing me?”

“Why wouldn’t I think that?” he barked, his anger revealing itself once again. “You went silent on me, and I spent the last four days regretting what I’d done. Regretting actually considering picking up my life and moving it for us.”

Fuck. All I’d wanted was to surprise him, make him see I was ready to pick up my life to be wherever he wanted to be. Feeling like a complete shit, I gripped the back of my neck. “I’m sorry, Cooper. In my mind, you were back at work, waiting to hear from me, and by showing up in person I could show you my plans and not just tell you them.”

Again, his expression softened. “And what is your plan?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” I asked with a wave of my hand toward the suitcase in his foyer.

“I don’t do obvious, so tell me anyway.”

“I planned on being here in Jersey with you and talking through the direction our lives should go. Florida? Here? Either way, we would discuss it together.”

He stared at me for the longest time, digesting my admission and probably trying to offer a rebuttal. Assuming my words had sunk in the way I wanted them to, he shook his head, lost for words. “I mean it,” I added for good measure. I want to be wherever you want to be.” Slowly, he rose from his seat, came closer to take my hand, and tugged until we stood nose to nose. “I take it I’m forgiven?” I asked.

His eyes drilled into mine, his lips taunted me, and his hand slid around to my back. The desire I’d been forced to channel since he’d left Florida bubbled to the surface. I knew right then and there, if he didn’t forgive me, I would resort to dirtier measures.

“Am I?” I pushed harder.

“What were the words you used earlier?” Staring away, he brought his gaze back to mine and added, “I could show you and not just tell you.”

He sure did show me… for an hour he teased and tormented as a punishment of sorts, kissing and touching everywhere but where I needed him to. And as far as I was concerned, I paid my penance and his time was now up.

“Cooper, you have two choices.” Lifting his head from where his mouth had been licking and biting my hip, he shook his head. Before he could speak, I let my sexual ire get the best of me. “Yes you do! Enough with this shit.” As calm as a fucking cucumber, he smirked and removed himself from between my legs. “Where are you going?” Again, he didn’t respond but instead disappeared into the hall before returning with a box, a bottle, a book, and a motherfucking dildo. “I don’t need a toy. Your cock will do.”

“Can you shut up?” He threw it all on the edge of his queen-size bed and sat down. First he held up the book, or more specifically, a manual. “I’ve been reading up.” Then he held up the dildo. “And practicing.” That tidbit brought with it a swell of jealousy directed at a fucking toy. His virgin ass was mine!

“You may as well have just admitted to cheating on me,” I muttered petulantly.

“Let me finish. I didn’t get far, knowing you’d feel that way.” He tossed it aside and replaced the bottle in his hands. “I may be mentally ready, and somewhat physically, but I’ve been waiting for you Copyright 2016 - 2024