Upside Down (Breaking the Rules #3) - A.M. Madden Page 0,41

He’d never know it when I said, “Go ahead and call him. I’d love to meet your fuck buddy.”

I stared at the view, ignoring his gaze drilling into my profile, until he said, “You’re playing a dangerous game.”

Matching his intense stare, I shook my head. “This isn’t a game to me.” It was time to cut the bullshit. “Who could’ve predicted you turning my world upside down? I tried to ignore it. I tried to pretend that you didn’t, and I failed. So now I’m here trying to figure it out. Clearly I don’t have a plan. Clearly you have more experience in this than I do. Then maybe we should play by your rules?”

“I only have one rule,” he was quick to voice. “Not to be used.”

I nodded. “I get it. I won’t use you. I’ll learn from you. I’m asking you to turn the teacher into the student. Look at it as a mentoring.”

“Sounds too simple.”

“It can be,” I volleyed back. “If we take it step by step… starting with spending time together.”

He continued to stare while contemplating my request. I again turned away, giving him some privacy with his thoughts. But when he placed his bottle on the side table, took mine from my hand to do the same, stood, and pulled me to a standing position, my confidence flew off that balcony like a tissue in the wind.

“Before I commit to anything,” he said, his body inches from mine, “why don’t we see if that kiss was indeed a fluke.” His gaze traveled over my face, landing on my lips. “And if it was, then you can go on your way, knowing it wasn’t the life-altering event you’ve fixated on for months.”

Everything around us disappeared as I waited for him to follow through. The surf no longer could be heard. The air suddenly seemed stagnant and stifling. But my body was at odds with the stillness around me, my heartbeat galloping, my pulse pounding in my cock, and my balls feeling heavy between my legs.

During it all, he remained silent and palmed my face, waited a breath, and then crushed his lips to mine in a bruising, punishing kiss.

Chapter Fourteen


What I had planned to be a chaste kiss to prove a point became my own life-altering event.

The sexual tension that had been pulsing within me since we left the restaurant, and his complete submission while I navigated this kiss, seemed to create an aphrodisiac of epic proportions.

I couldn’t get enough of him. Each time I planned to break away, his chasing my lips or his moan or his grip on my wrists tightening propelled me to keep going. But when he pushed his hardened cock into mine, I jolted back as though a lightning bolt had struck.

After a few slow blinks, he stared at me in confusion. “What… why did you stop?”

“Because I’m seconds away from stripping you naked and fucking you.” My candidness surprised both of us, but Cooper recovered quicker when a satisfied smirk spread over those goddamn lips… lips still glistening from my assault. “Wipe the grin off your face, Cooper. It’s not funny.”

“It’s a little funny,” he retorted with a shrug.

“Oh, really?” Deciding to put him in his place, I closed the distance again and grabbed his ass, forcing his cock back to press against mine. “You’re ready for me to bend you over this railing, slide my angry cock into your ass, and fuck you until I come like a geyser?” The smirk vanished from his face. “Is that a yes?” I prompted.

Except for his audible, ragged breath, he remained silent. But in those hazel eyes, even in the dim evening light, his vulnerableness was unmistakable.

Stepping away once again, I dragged a hand through my hair with a sigh. “Look,” I went on to say in a much softer tone. “It’s obvious that our bodies reacting the way they do means we share a fiery connection. But that also means shit. You want me to be your teacher, then your first lesson is to slow things down. Nothing good will come from me losing control or you feeling violated.”

“Okay,” he said, snapping out of the daze he’d been in. Snatching his beer off the table, he took a long swig before resting his elbows on the railing. “Now what?”

Mimicking his stance, I shrugged. “I have no clue.” I didn’t.

The tension coursing between us was practically visible in the muggy night air. This was crazy. Nothing good could come from “spending time” Copyright 2016 - 2024