Upside Down (Breaking the Rules #3) - A.M. Madden Page 0,31

back, and until I accepted that, I couldn’t be happy.

Denial was her favorite word of late.

But she’d dismissed the one tiny detail that mucked up her assumptions… I wasn’t gay.

Her only response was to accuse me of more denial, and I had to wonder why she fixated on my so-called denial.

Were there times she suspected something I didn’t know was there myself, like the men who hit on me? Did they all pick up on a vibe I never knew I’d been throwing? What had Ricky called it… gaydar?

Those were questions I waited until seeing her to ask, when her always-telling facial expression would supply the true answers. Not that I accused my sister of being a liar, just a bad actress. Even if she voiced words laced with empathy, her eyes would always reveal what she truly believed in her heart. That talent came from our mother, and unfortunately I’d inherited that same trait. Which explained why Ricky could read me so well. Emotionally, I was a carbon copy of his best friend.

And just as stubborn.

I’d lost track of the amount of times I’d hung up on her these past weeks. Of course, she never got angry, only more determined. Having her playing the role of devil’s advocate was a dangerous situation, and now being in her territory would fuel that demon in her disguised as a proponent for my love life.

Three months with nowhere to hide.

And as my mind drifted to the fact I’d be within close proximity to Ricky, that damn pulse began to beat slow and hot inside me.


Ignoring it yet again, I strolled through baggage claim with the enthusiasm of a man heading to his own execution. In the distance, I spotted my sister sporting a brilliant smile.

“I’m so glad you’re here!” she called out as I approached. The moment I reached her, she threw her arms around my neck, while her baby bump wedged a good foot of space between us.

“Me too.”

“Muah.” She planted a big kiss on my cheek before releasing me.

“Damn, Becks. You got so big.”

“Tends to happen the closer a woman gets to her due date,” she quipped with an exaggerated eye roll. “Marco is circling. Once we get your bag, I’ll text him. We’ll chill by the pool, bring in dinner, and relax tonight. I bet you’re tired.”

“Sounds perfect.”

Being here now, seeing her enthusiasm, her adorable pregnant belly, and the pure joy on her face caused guilt to pinch in my chest. My sister wanted only the best for me. I knew that, and I promised myself I’d try not to lose my patience with her during my stay.

“But tomorrow I made a reservation at your favorite Thai place,” she said, linking her arm with mine. “Oh, and I invited Ricky.”

And just like that… like a car careening off a cliff, any guilt I felt or patience I clung to imploded in a scorching burst of flames.

Chapter Eleven


It was impossible to remain angry with my sister. I never could. When we were younger, she and Sam could go at it for days… silent treatments, pranks as retaliation, and even resorting to tattling to our parents with something one or the other had done wrong.

I, on the other hand, would cave, being the first to offer the olive branch. It was in my nature. I hated conflict and always had an uncontrollable need to please people.

So it was no surprise that her innocent little plan had been forgiven by the time we pulled onto Route 1.

During the short drive, Antonio slept peacefully in his car seat while my sister filled me in on other plans that she had made for my stay—beach, zoo, museums, a visit to the library at the University of Miami, because I always visited the nearest college library wherever I traveled.

When I twisted my head to stare at her in the back seat, she asked, “What?”

“How do you plan on doing all this when you’re due in a month?”

“I’m pregnant, not an invalid.”

“Becks, I’m perfectly capable of finding things to do on my own. I’m also down for doing nothing but chilling and spending time with you guys. I don’t need you babysitting me all summer.”

“She’s working with a deadline.”

I cut my gaze to Marco. “What deadline?”

Just as he shook his head, never looking away from the road, she admitted, “Maybe I’m hoping you’ll love it so much you’ll transfer to the University of Miami.”

“Oh, don’t start.” This had come up a few times during our calls Copyright 2016 - 2024