Untitled Starfell #2 (Starfell #2) - Dominique Valente Page 0,47

that slithered as they passed and smell the scent of rotten leaves.

The boat came to a stop as they neared what looked like a small black beach, and Holloway dropped the copper-kettle anchor. ‘We’re here,’ he whispered. The wizard threw the small set of steps over the side, and Essential, Sprig and Willow climbed down.

‘H-how – how will we find her?’ asked Willow as they disembarked, looking ahead through the trees.

‘I should imagine she will find us,’ said Essential, who sounded terrified. ‘Or maybe she’ll send her undead subjects to bring us to her.’

‘Why – why do you say that?’ asked Willow with a gulp.

Feathering hefted himself off the boat, which seemed to buoy itself more upright with a groan of relief, but the dragon looked grim. ‘Because it looks like they are already on their way.’

Willow gasped, frozen to the spot, as shadowy wraith-like figures raced towards them. As they neared, Willow’s heart thundered in her chest. The creatures resembled monstrous women with long, vine-like hair and stick-like fingers that ended in pale, twisty fingernails. Their eyes were like pinpricks of hollow light.

‘Oh NOOOOOOO,’ whispered Oswin.

Willow’s knees trembled as the wraiths reached them and she tried to back away.

‘No!’ shouted Holloway. He tried to come to their aid, but as he was rushing down from the boat he was dragged back by something large, tentacled and monstrous that emerged from the shadowy river.

Willow watched helplessly as she was grabbed by the wraith-like women.

‘Holloway!’ she shouted.

But, before she could do anything more, she and the others were being whisked towards the heart of the forest, towards a small clearing filled with shadowy plants, spikes and thistles.

In the centre of the clearing was a throne made of what looked like diamonds and opals. Willow gulped, as there on the throne was the most terrifying yet hauntingly beautiful creature she had ever seen.

She was dressed in a gown made of shadows and the roots of trees, with pale blossoms dotted throughout the long black hair that waved in the air above her head as though she were underwater. Very subtly, the figure shifted before their eyes like black ink. Her face was pale marble with deep, dark eyes that seemed as if they were quietly examining their very souls.

‘Welcome,’ she said in a voice that sounded like the rain before thunder. ‘We’ve been expecting you.’ Then she smiled, which was somehow even more terrifying.

‘We?’ asked Willow.

Which was when she saw Moreg.

‘Willow!’ gasped Moreg Vaine as she was dragged forward by a wraith. ‘I didn’t want you to come here!’ She looked at Sprig. ‘You were supposed to keep her away.’

Willow looked from Moreg to Umbellifer. What was going on?

The Queen of the Undead stood up. ‘Never mind that for now,’ she said, conjuring what looked like a tiny bird made from shadows in her palms. It flew at once into Moreg’s mouth, and the witch thrashed her head from side to side, unable to speak.

‘What have you done to her?’ cried Willow, attempting to rush forward. But the wraith at her side held her back.

The queen cocked her head, waving a set of long, thin fingers that looked like birch bark. ‘Nothing to worry about – she’s safe. She’s rather useful to me,’ she said, looking at the witch, who was still fighting against her restraints, trying wordlessly to help.

There was a faint ‘Oh no,’ from the carpetbag at Willow’s feet.

‘Come forward, my child,’ commanded the queen.

Willow blinked, confused, and took a step forward.

The queen shook her head. ‘Not you, girl.’

Willow turned to look in shock as Sprig stepped up. There was a gasp from Essential as a smaller throne appeared next to Umbellifer’s.

The queen smiled her ghastly grin. ‘You have earned your seat at last, child.’


The Boy Made of Shadow and Feathers

‘I knew we shouldn’t have trusted you!’ Feathering growled. Smoke curled from the dragon’s mouth as he made to launch himself at Sprig.

In an instant, the queen spread her hands and a great beast with wide antlers and gleaming red eyes rose up from the shadows. It charged at the dragon, and with a thunderous roar they began to fight.

Willow watched with wide, fearful eyes, then turned to Sprig. Her heart felt like it was tearing apart.

‘Sprig – I don’t understand. What’s going on?’ It seemed like the queen was implying that Sprig was working for her, but that couldn’t be true … could it?

He shook his head rapidly at Willow’s baffled expression, taking a step back away from the

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