Until Her - Ami Van Page 0,8

his business mask on.

The establishment is large, almost the size of a warehouse. For a members-only club, business seems to be booming with people hustling and bustling in and out.

“This way,” one of the men says, gesturing to a separate entrance than the one the line is formed at.

He and Derrick walk in together with their two younger brother’s close and on guard right behind them. No one stops to check them so either security is lax here or they are just that confident that shit isn’t going to go down. Most likely the latter. Romanos are within the circle, after all.

The music is a lot softer than he expected inside but the tables are filled with conversations and whispered innuendos. There are no scantily clad women dancing on poles but there are half-dressed cocktail waitresses and then half-naked goddesses roaming around the establishment hanging on arms of men and women who are undeniably members of high society.

“A swingers’ club?” Chase whispers from behind him and Derrick. Chase sounded unimpressed.

They’re led to the more private VIP sections where Matteo Romano sits, anxiously waiting to greet them.

“Kings,” Matteo says once the curtains are closed behind them.

A chocolate-haired vixen stands closely by Matteo’s side. Her dark eyes roam up and then down Derrick first before her sights move over to him.

She’s fucking sin in a body with hair that falls just past her shoulders, red lips plumped, olive-colored skin showing her Italian heritage, waist narrow, and hips wide. Perfect for holding bent over the back of a chair, a couch, a desk, or anything else.

“Romano,” Derrick speaks, shaking the man’s hand.

Another guy steps up to the other side of Matteo. This guy had long dark hair tied back and dark eyes as well. He looks younger. Smug and arrogant. His instincts tell him this one’s a douche. He normally listens to his instincts. And someone should tell the pompous douche that the Rico Suave look went out decades ago. The guy looked more like a greasy used car salesman than a member of a high-ranking family.

“Ah,” Matteo says. “Isabella and Cristian Romano, my niece and nephew. Isa, this is Derrick King, head of the King family and these are his brothers. Adam, Rory, and Chase.”

Derrick simply nods, not even properly greeting the Romano siblings. So, he steps up next to Derrick and takes Isabella’s outstretched hand and brings it to his lips, brushing lightly over her knuckles.

Her eyes gleam and he swears he feels a shiver run through her but her gaze falls on Derrick again. She didn’t even bother to look at Rory or Chase.

“Twins. How remarkable,” she comments, voice as sweet as honey. “Which of you is the older one?”

“That would be me,” he replies.

“Yet, Derrick is the king,” she comments with admiration. She’d at least done her research on them.

“We’re all Kings,” Derrick corrects her.

“Come. Have a seat,” Isabella says, curving her hand around his arm and leading the way. Her touch is subtle but firm. Like a woman who knows what she wants and is ready to go for it.

“I’ll leave you all to it,” Matteo speaks excitedly and quickly makes his exit.

A soft and seductive laugh escapes Isabella’s lips when she places him in a seat and plants herself in between him and Derrick.

Rory and Chase are stiff and looking uncomfortable in their seats on the lush velvet couch big enough to be a bed. The room reminds him of a harem. A fuck pit, one of his brothers would call it.

“My uncle is the worst at matchmaking,” she whispers to him. Her breath close enough to fan the exposed skin of his neck.

“Ah. Entertainment has arrived,” Cristian announces from somewhere in the room.

Three ladies in goddess outfits step in. One walks straight to Derrick who waves her off with the flick of his hand and a scowl on his face. A raven-haired beauty heads to where he’s sitting but stops short and makes a detour to Chase and Rory instead.

He’s guessing it’s because of Isabella’s glare. He didn’t personally see it but he can feel it. There’s an air of authority and confidence about her. It’s refreshing and…intriguing. She places her right hand on his thigh much too high up than appropriate.

Again…her confidence is showing.

Derrick hasn’t said a word from her other side but he sees his brother moving and then getting completely out of his seat when Isabella places her left hand on his brother’s thigh. He smirks knowing what she’s thinking. Twins, she’d commented

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