Until Her - Ami Van Page 0,75


“You set us up,” he says to Isabella. “And if you think you can entrap us with that kind of mistake, you’d be wise to reconsider. You think we’ll let it live to see the light of day?” he growls out.

“You’d do that to your own flesh and blood, boys?” Isabella arrogantly challenges.

He’s killed women. He won’t deny that. But he’s never hit one before. He might be changing that too if Isabella doesn’t erase the fake ass pout from her lips.

“I have one wife,” Derrick says. “She is and will be the only mother of my children.”

“I won’t hesitate to put the kid out of its misery before it takes a breath,” he finishes for Derrick and himself.

Isabella doesn’t flinch but worries flash in her dark eyes for a second.

Cristian, however, visibly flinches at his words. Cristian knows the Romano name is the only thing protecting him and his sister but a name can only go so far and it’s never a bulletproof vest in this game.

“Nice to see you all getting along so well,” Matteo Romano says approaching from wherever the hell he ninja-ed in from. “Can I assume some good news will be announced soon?” Matteo asks once he’s standing next to everyone.

The man smiles hopefully at everyone.

“Uncle,” Isabella says. The sweetness of her voice grates at his nerve ends like the sound of a dying cat praying to be put out of its misery. “There should be news to be announced very soon,” she says and sweeps her gaze from him and then over to Derrick.

Matteo clears his throat loudly, ignoring Isabella’s uncontrolled ogling.

“Now which one of you is Derrick King again?” Matteo asks pointing, between him and Derrick.

“I am,” Derrick answers.

“Ah…where is that lovely Italian wife of yours?” the clueless man asks again.

“She’s just running a little late,” Rory answers. “She had business to take care of and you know how business can be. But look, here she is now.”

Rory points to the entrance and all heads turn.

“Business?” Matteo asks as confusion washes over him.

That’s right. Until now, Stella’s only been the trophy wife. Unless someone had direct business dealings with the Kings, they didn’t know about her position. Matteo being from the Midwest region probably paid her little attention.

And business? He should know if that was a lie or if she was out handling business. He should know but he doesn’t. More proof of how fucked his mind has been lately.

Stella is making a grand entrance with Ariana walking tall by her side in a soft turquoise form-fitting gown that shimmers like fairy dust was sprinkled all around her. He’s stunned into shock and he should probably scrape his bottom jaw off the carpeted floor.

Both women hold their heads high as they take the steps down into the ballroom passing by lustful eyes and whispered innuendos. He didn’t have to hear to know for sure. He can see how eyes are devouring his woman.

Fuck, he’s missed her like nobody’s business.

She’s stunningly gorgeous and every man she’s passed has turned his head. It’s possible that he can gun down any and all motherfuckers who are eye-fucking her at the moment too. Yet where Stella’s eyes hold ferocity, Ariana’s hold pain and fear.

If only he can take it all away from her even if he is the cause of it. He’s made sure to ask about her sobriety when he’s able to get his updates from Russell. She seems to be holding up fairly well. Her tenacity is admirable.

“My love,” Stella says as she glides past Isabella and over to Derrick’s side.

He can tell Derrick wants to jump out of his shoes to get to Stella. His brother isn’t groveling on his knees so maybe Derrick isn’t as drunk as he thought.

Both Isabella’s and Cristian’s jaws hit the floor when they both see Ariana. If only he had the sense to record the moment, it’d be worth the memory.

Arian deserves all the attention. She’s lovely and elegant. No one can ever deny that.

She stands next to Cristian. Not wanting her to feel alone or outnumbered, he takes a step closer to her even with both Romanos still gawking.

Fuck them. Fuck them both. No one controls the Kings.

“Matteo,” Stella says into the tension-filled circle. “Have you brought a leash for your niece tonight?” Stella asks, no holds barred. THAT’S the real Stella.

He hears the sweet sound of his angel’s giggle from next to him. She’s trying to stifle it with her perfectly manicured fingers. God, how he’d

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