Until Her - Ami Van Page 0,62

their finest and most expensive of drinks like there’s no tomorrow. It’s on the house anyway and the two of them can’t seem to pass up the opportunity to boast about their lifestyle.

This is a King party but it seems like the five Kings present are in anything but a celebratory mood. Stella, thankfully, does her part to greet everyone and makes sure that this is a party. He can tell she’s waiting just as impatiently as he is for this to be over.

He checks his watch. It’s just past midnight which means at least a couple more hours before the Whiskey closes its doors. He plans to take his leave immediately whether the party continues after hours or not.

His eyes focus on Isabella and the sultry way she snakes toward him in her skin-tight dress. His sneer is more out of disgust at her moves. How he once found this woman attractive is beyond him since he feels nothing when she touches him. Nothing but a feverish need to get the fuck away from her. He’s never wished a skin-tight dress would suffocate a bitch more than he does right now.

And Cristian is hanging onto her like a child still stuck to the teet. It’s fucking comically disgusting that a man of his age can’t stand on his own two feet.

“Suddenly makes me want to apologize to Rory for all the times I’ve hounded him about growing the fuck up and taking his position at our side,” Derrick says from his other side.

Yeah. No fucking kidding. Compared to Cristian, Rory is miles ahead even with Cristian’s headstart in years and privilege.

“Hey, lover. Dance with me,” Isabella purrs when she stops in front of him.

“Not today.”

“Satan,” Chase whispers with his tumbler of whiskey against his lips.

If it were any other time, he might have laughed right then and there. But Isabella didn’t seem to hear Chase over the music so there isn’t a need to react. She’d most likely be overdramatic about it.

Not taking the hint, she sits down on his lap anyway. He swears he feels his dick shrivel up and that’s the last thing a man wants to admit when he has a vixen in his lap. He’s never reacted to women this way before. If he wasn’t interested, he’d pass. There would be no chance for her to even try as hard as Isabella is trying. End of story.

And Isabella is a hard fucking pass right now.

“It’s been a long time, my King,” she whispers her innuendo into his ear.

She crosses her legs, grinding down harder on him. He scoffs when she smiles seductively at him. Her plush lips as red as if she drank blood straight from the jugular.

He can’t help be look over her face.

She smiles wider, appreciatively not having a single clue.

There are so many flaws underneath her tan and layers of foundation. Rather than working at those flaws, Isabella puts her efforts in covering them up. He wouldn’t be surprised to find out if she’s gone under the knife a few times to perfect herself…to her own standards, of course.

He moves over, bumping into Derrick who understands his need to get this bitch off because his twin glides over with more than enough room. All he wants to do is get Satan off of his lap right now. All he wants to do is be hundreds of miles away from her. But he does what he can at the moment and places her on the seat in between him and Chase.

In Chase fashion, his brother in a feigned drunken stupor accidentally spills the remnants of his fine whiskey onto Isabella’s lap.

“Oh, shit! I’m so sorry,” Chase utters.

Chase tries to brush off the whiskey but Isabella quickly swats his hand away. He can only imagine the look of disdain Isabella is shooting his younger brother.

“Bathroom is that way,” he points, not even telling her that they have private bathrooms in the back room. Private and cleaner bathrooms.

Cheap thrills. He’ll take any at the moment.

She gets up, brushing down her dress before she stomps off with Cristian closely trailing behind her as if he’s ready to wipe her ass for her if she needed it. He probably would too since he seems to worship the ground his sister walks on.

“Good one,” Rory says to Chase with a smirk.

“Guys,” Stella chides them but even she couldn’t hide the smile that’s spreading from ear to ear on her pretty round face.

It’s Derrick who cracks first with his

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